hydro in soil


Well-Known Member
Soil has nutrition and when you plant in "soil" usually you fortify the "soil" with time released fertilizer. After that you simply add pure h2o and the plant grows. With hydro the soilless medium is sterile. It has no nutrients so therefor all of the required nutes must be supplied by us and in a Hydro system they are supplied via water. That is as simple as I know how to explain it.


Active Member
I use GH nutes in my own homemade soiless mix and have been working with this for about 6 months now and im finally getting some good results,I keep a few plants in soiless mix incase my hydro set up has problems this way I still have plants to fall back on if something goes wrong,so far I havent had any problems with either,and it gives me something to play around with


Well-Known Member
I use GH nutes in my own homemade soiless mix and have been working with this for about 6 months now and im finally getting some good results,I keep a few plants in soiless mix incase my hydro set up has problems this way I still have plants to fall back on if something goes wrong,so far I havent had any problems with either,and it gives me something to play around with
same here i just made my own homemade soilless mix as well also im using this GH floraduo, so far i dont encounter any problem for two months now....one i had to culled because its so stretch bad....bad genetic anyways what kind of mix do you use for your soilless?


Yes, you can use felt pots in an ebb and flow or a drip system and fill them with soil(less) medium. The lines nowadays are pretty blurred. I run coco and sunshine #4 in multiple ebb and flow systems using felt pots. http://www.geopot.com/


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can use felt pots in an ebb and flow or a drip system and fill them with soil(less) medium. The lines nowadays are pretty blurred. I run coco and sunshine #4 in multiple ebb and flow systems using felt pots. http://www.geopot.com/
yeah i ve already clicked on that link about felt pots, their site said they re doing construction so i cant check it out, maybe later but i got the idea its almost like smart pots ?
Yes, you can use felt pots in an ebb and flow or a drip system and fill them with soil(less) medium. The lines nowadays are pretty blurred. I run coco and sunshine #4 in multiple ebb and flow systems using felt pots. http://www.geopot.com/
So I would be able to use 1gal geopots for an ebb and flow filled with grow cubes? The felt pots don't get mold or anything like that from the frequent flooding? Sorry if they are newbish questions but I'm really thinking about switching to hydro (mainly flood and drain) for my next set up instead of going another round of soil.



yes! it is! because "soilless soil", usually always is comprised of three components. Perlite, Vermiculite, and Sphagnum peat moss. These 3 elements will not react to any fertilizers you add in while fertilizing.