Hydro help


Hey everyone, my friend proposed the idea of hydro to me but i really couldn't understand the basics of it. Does the P.H level have to be constant? What nutrients to use? i know media. i searched rollitup,org and couldn't find any help (New to the site don't fully understand the website its huge compared to grass city's forums). Any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member

There are many a type of hydro. I find DWC to be my favorite. The link above is about the most detailed tutorial I've seen on the matter. I suggest keeping the water at a ph of 5.8 and ppms around 300 to start working up to 1100 max if the plants are giant. You will grow faster and have bigger yields than in soil IMHO. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Your ph needs to be between 5.6 and 6.3
It needs to be in this range for your nutrients (your added fertilizer) to be availible to your plants. So pretty much you'll want to stay in that range, get a ph meter if you dont have one already.
Also get some ph up and down, youll need both.


Well-Known Member
you need hydro ferts, different than soil ferts, theyr nitrate based hydro is simple and you won't look back once you do it, you just need to know the basics, read!


Thx everone!!! it all helped me alot i think ima try hydro but only a little system to start until i get the hang of it