hydro grow 4x600watt Lemon skunk AK47 White Russian


Well-Known Member
week 2
ppm 1100
room temp 24c 77f
res temp 23c 74
avg size 5 - 51/2 inches

there was abit growth in just 2 days for some but other are not growing as fast maybe due to nutes too high for them, so lowered the ppm to 1100 to see how they react to that. n there is some slime in the res. i'm not sure if i be should concerned but i will change the res in a couple days.
Whoaa!! 1100 at week 2 thats still too high. At week 2 you want to be around 400-500 max. Keep your ppm levels low because your plants will burn really fast. Here's a good hint. Mix additive nutes first, then add your base nutes till your desired ppm level is reached. Quickly flush your plants and give them some lower nutes.


Well-Known Member
do u have a journal on ur past grows? i want to check it out
whats up POTCASSO,no.. i can never find the time to finshes them..:eyesmoke:...from ur last post i whould have put them into flower by now..IMO...i grow a satvia and any more then a week veg and i have 3foot suckers. that get top heavy fast...they look like there doing well....