Hydro gone south!!! HELP!!


Ok I have a 6 gray 5 gallon buckets top feed and resevoir 30 gal total water temp 74 -77 expanded clay media!
Every thing was great untill about a week ago 4th week in flower noticed leaf yellow and and growth stoped. found pump lines pluged and pump failed Grity slime on inside of buckets and root balls as big as my head have like gray slime on them
I flushed with 1/4 % nutreient 3 times in 3 days and my ph climbs from 5.8 to the 7s in a mater of a day these are 6ft AK47 were perfect !!! I ve read H020 Sub -b and on and on WHAT TO DO???? finish with h2o flush? clean? scrap? WHAT???
any help would be great


Well-Known Member
Sounds like root root to me, get some Dutch Master ZONE and follow directions, if you don't see any change in their health in 2 to 3 days their done toss them. The root rot is caused by stress and warm res temps. Get a chiller or use frozen water bottles, toss a few in the res at lights on. Use a cooler for your res with the ice bottles.


you used an organic in your fertilizer. what bacteria mass you have is directly related to the flower inducer you added. If i had a guess id say cold pressed sea product is what raped you. and go ahead and scrap its hurt if you have clones from before it was damaged go for it but otherwise its gonna be a a waist


Well-Known Member
Woodsman has the good advice! Zone is good shit. Physan 20, a few drops at a time will kick ass on the slime as well. Run low nute levels, cooled rez and lots of bubbles. they might just make it


they did smell rotten in a couple buckets. They got nice colas! Matticaus is rite. addacive with kelp! said to use in hydro. I'm thinking Feed them a couple weeks? were 5 in weeks flower?? theres a couple lbs there! more imput?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Yeah man you have root slime. Check out Heisenberg's thread for possibly the best solution.

Ghetto way of cleaning it would be rinsing your roots gently out under a faucet.. probably a bathtub.


Well-Known Member
It is very hard to kill root rot as it gets in the middle of the root ball where nothing can reach it and kills.

the best way is to prevent it. Keep water temps as low as 62 degrees and don't stress the plants.


Well-Known Member
Man IMO I would say to get some H2O2 pronto, if you start now you can save them still. I would add some at heavy strength every 2 or 3 days, after that I would make it a standard practice to run either a sterile res with Zone or Benes with organics. IMO I would run the sterile res so that you never have this happen again and you never have any buildup in your lines because as you know it's a F'n nightmare in RDWC. Good luck and happy growing.

If you run the H2O2 mix it at 1.5 times the recommended strength initially to treat the slime then use it according to directions.


Well-Known Member
Read the sticky in the DWC area. Heisenberg's thread will save you. I am highly suggesting that you take that route and avoid the h202 stuff. That thread will tell you why. The Tea is Magic.