hydro first grow questions


Active Member
hey guys ive been to a lot of forums to learn as much as i can about growing...this forum seems to have the most helpful people. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with http://www.bghydro.com/BGH/customkititems.asp?kc=HGSMF12&eq= Can anyone give me an idea of what i could yield using this system with 2 600w hps in a 3' by 8' closet?

I am also thing about a 3' by 6' ebb and flow tray system. How many plants would i be able to fit with this system?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
does not matter what system for hydro you pick. they are just different delivery systems for a nutrient solution and some kind of medium so the plant stands up.


Depending on the above factors-.5-1gram per watt.

Noobie with 2 600s and some skills and common sense should pull at least 3-400 grams on there first go. But that is being generous in the common sense department. We will have to wait and see how well researched your questions are...........:lol:

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
hey guys ive been to a lot of forums to learn as much as i can about growing...this forum seems to have the most helpful people. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with http://www.bghydro.com/BGH/customkititems.asp?kc=HGSMF12&eq= Can anyone give me an idea of what i could yield using this system with 2 600w hps in a 3' by 8' closet?

I am also thing about a 3' by 6' ebb and flow tray system. How many plants would i be able to fit with this system?
As for the most productive use of a 3x8 space....Read the sticky thread "get a harvest every 2 weeks" at the top of the hydro section. If you want to be a weed baron that is.

You are on the right track btw. I see you have 50watts oh hid light per square foot budgeted for the space...........very good grasshopper....very good indeed