Hydro clone question


Active Member
Hey i recently just got a hydro system, and i currently have 1 very healthy little girl growing in soil, only problem is, she has been in flowering for near 25 days now and i hear its bad to make clones when a plants already flowering :S i was planning on removeing 2 huge leaves that are shadeing and stopping light from getting to the middle of the plant and i was wondering if i could just cut them off and attempt to make them clones? but first id like to know WHY it is bad to clone when flowering? does it make the buds less potent? and if im planning on putting the clones in the hydro system is it still neccisary to put them in a humidity chamber? or can i just put them right into the round orange rocks so that the stem is down near the water?


Well-Known Member
First of all, you cannot clone fan leaves. I already learned from that silly mistake. Search these forums for cloning questions that have already been answered-I posted some very informative advice about this already. If a huge fan leaf is blocking a phat nug from the light, def trim it! The reason why it's 'bad' to clone when flowering is bc snipping cuttings from your flowering mother plants might cause them stress and result in hermies. You don't want this-it will ruin your crop. But cloning during flowering is not necessarily 'bad' for the clones themselves, in fact, taking cuttings from flowering mothers will result in clones that are the same age as their moms, so as long as you keep them under 12/12, you'll get mature mj plants faster than if you had taken the cuttings from a vegging mom. I'd leave the moms alone if they're already flowering. Don't want to stress them-could herm, and could also decrease your yield.


Active Member
ah thanks for the info :) but wouldnt cutting off fan leaves cause the same stress as takeing cuttings for clones? but would it matter at all if ive never trimmed the plant before? like it looks extremely healthy im actually quite suprised cause im useing MG soil but i sifted all the nute balls out and i just use a 20-20-20 solution and she went from crispy brown leaves to a perfectly green very fast growing plant, this is my first grow btw :/ but i have never hurt her in the past so would this atleast help the chances that she wouldnt be stressed to much if i did take cuttings?


New Member
I wouldnt take too many cuttings off of her, but the clones will root, it takes awhile and a high risk of dieing, i'd just leave her alone and let her flower and start a new mother plant growing, as for the trimmings, a few would be ok, but you dont want to take off to many leaves, the plant grows them that big for a reason and the leaves make food from the light, so if you remove too many leaves there will be nothing there to absorb food for the plant so it can reduce growth, they dont bulk up as much from lack of food, so choose wisely and dont nute burn her, you cant substitute nutes from the soil for the food from the leaves, good luck.


Active Member
ah ok thanks :) im just ganna leave her be then, but idk i have been useing a 20-20-20 nute solution that i got from dollar general hahaha!!! but omg its working amazingly!! before my plunt was hardly growing if what seemed like at all, its entire lower section was just brown crusted dieing leaves, i got the nute solution, mixed a little with a gallon of water and ever since they have been looking so healthy!! i was quite shocked, as honestly i had no clue what nutes i should have got or even how much i was useing but i would just put a table spoon into a gallon of water and since then no more brown leaves, no more yellow leaves no nothing just pure happy green :) and nuggets are popping up everywere!!! they are even shooting out from the little leaves at the bottom just 5 cm from the soil!! maybe its cause im useing 600 watts of cfls for only 1 plant and 1 little sproutling xD growing so fast ive had to tie the top shoot down almost 4 times now in only 2 weeks :S


New Member
ah ok thanks :) im just ganna leave her be then, but idk i have been useing a 20-20-20 nute solution that i got from dollar general hahaha!!! but omg its working amazingly!! before my plunt was hardly growing if what seemed like at all, its entire lower section was just brown crusted dieing leaves, i got the nute solution, mixed a little with a gallon of water and ever since they have been looking so healthy!! i was quite shocked, as honestly i had no clue what nutes i should have got or even how much i was useing but i would just put a table spoon into a gallon of water and since then no more brown leaves, no more yellow leaves no nothing just pure happy green :) and nuggets are popping up everywere!!! they are even shooting out from the little leaves at the bottom just 5 cm from the soil!! maybe its cause im useing 600 watts of cfls for only 1 plant and 1 little sproutling xD growing so fast ive had to tie the top shoot down almost 4 times now in only 2 weeks :S

another thing you might want to try aswell, this is something that we do and it helps the buds faten up a little but add 1 tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water.


Active Member
yes ive heard, but i was recently injured and dont really have the time or effert to go to the store so i have been useing brown sugar since it is made from molassus would this neccisarily be a bad thing or not?