Hydro Bill Question


Well-Known Member
Is this high usage of power : 59 kWh / day

Period: Oct 15, 2011 - Dec 14, 2011
Total Consumption: 3500 kWh
What is the average for a house with 2 adults? thanks


Well-Known Member
anybody? I just want to have an idea! what would be a red flag total consumption for a 2 month period for the winter time in canada. thanks


Well-Known Member
no it's like 330$ for 2 months!!! ,.. but I dont have have a lot, 1200W 12hours a day in my main room and 800W 12 hours a day in cabinets, that's including the fans and everything. Just seems like my bill is high and I am curious as to what kind of kWh per day a 2 adults house goes through. thanks


Well-Known Member
Hmmm I live in the same area and my hydro bills in the winter range from 3-4 hundred bi monthly in the winter. Three people, one 40 gal hw tank 2000 sq feet and not much for luxury features.


Well-Known Member
my heating is gas too.. otherwise it would be higher... good to hear that it doesnt sound too bad though


Well-Known Member
my heating is gas too.. otherwise it would be higher... good to hear that it doesnt sound too bad though
Yeah I have gas heat also.......2 fridges, 2,stoves and two sets of laundry. There is a khw calculator on one of these forum pages and I tried it with the rate of .0909 per kwh and a 400w light over 18 hrs...it worked out to roughly 68 cents per day.


Well-Known Member
As long as you pay your bill and you're not a suspicious house, that energy consumption is not a red flag by any means.