Hydro, a very different setup (beta)


Hello this is my setup i have made, rough as hell, feed back required.

What you are seeing here is an idea that came to me from basic growing knowledge and my own ingenuity.

I have bought a very tall bin that is obviously reflective, good for lighting etc.

Here is the original light i chose with 2700k (which I found out later wasn't enough) It is philips new energy saving 3 led beast of a light.
As you can see i have put it in the middle of the lid.


Okay so looking down into the dome of never ending light source you can see i have a reflective bottom, my see through pot (so even more light can pass through) and the reflective cone that came with the lamp i destroyed to make the lights cable, made a promising tunnel of light for the pot.


Now, i am engaging in bubbling hydroponic systems, something else i want to learn about and even test out.

As you can see i have my bucket, spray bottle later for the leaves, net pot, air cable, air pump, air stone, and clay balls oh and the wool square.

After posting previously someone thankfully told me i needed more light so i bought another lamp that soon was to meet my hammer and also a fluorescent bulb with a whopping 4100k to add on the 2700k = 6800k lighting, not bad?

Okay so busted the lamp to achieve the second cable for second light, decided to make a hole just next to the other but use this new brighter light for adjusting while the plants are growing. Up and Down etc


Okay so i decided to melt a hole in the bucket as im not a tool man and only had my solder iron, plus i find it better.
Installed tubing, air stone, pump and net pot fitted perfect. bubbling as you can see, but im not sure how much bubbling i need>? dosnt seem to 'Splash' up on the clay balls.


Okay so in my mind this was the final scenario but not long after i decided to take the bucket out for a bigger better design. and keep the tunnel of light for seedlings to grow up through. Not bad eh?


As of now i am the happy father of two beautiful baby girls (hopefully) HAHA
Yes as i was packing up, also thinking when are they gonna hatch or will they since only being under the 2700k bulb for 48 hrs, BOOM they are breaking through so there you go people, a newbie with a bit of ingenuity for the love of growing the plant.

Any comments would be awesome, again im going to build a bigger box but this is my own little.. idea? :)




Well-Known Member
Wait, I think you just built an easy bake oven? You should try to bake a batch of brownies before you put your plants in there.
If you run into trouble, go upstairs and ask your parents for help.

And yes, home made jean shorts give me a raging hard on.... keep posting!!


Well-Known Member
...If you run into trouble, go upstairs and ask your parents for help....
Dude, harsh! He might not be a kid, he could just be learning disabled...

But in all seriousness...I think You have got a lot more reading to do about indoor growing, buddy...I just about died laughing at 2700k + 4100k = 6800k


Well-Known Member
Dude, harsh! He might not be a kid, he could just be learning disabled...

But in all seriousness...I think You have got a lot more reading to do about indoor growing, buddy...I just about died laughing at 2700k + 4100k = 6800k

LOL!! tooo funny


Not the kind of responses i was looking for, theirs people with plants growing in boxes, dont see why this tunnel of glory wouldnt work, well it is as we speak?

If you run into trouble, go upstairs and ask your parents for help
Not really a kid, bandidos dont allow them 599050_425195224207161_435098812_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
First off, you are better off without the tube, it has no air in/out and heat will build. Also' the kelvin rating of a bulb basically tells what color it is...not how powerful. Power is rated in watts and bulb output in lumens. I too wish you luck


New Member
I just about died laughing at 2700k + 4100k = 6800k

heh, same. I always see noobs thinking lumens are additive in that same fashion, haven't seen it applied to kelvin rating like that though. I guess there really is a first time for everything lol.


heh, same. I always see noobs thinking lumens are additive in that same fashion, haven't seen it applied to kelvin rating like that though. I guess there really is a first time for everything lol.
Dude i was told from someone on this forum i need 6500k lighting?


Well-Known Member
First Put the tools down and back away before you hurt yourself. This glory hole your building is for a lack of a better word wack! I dont know where to start helping you so I wont. All I can tell you is to do a lot more reading. Get the horticulture bible and read every word then start over. 6500k is a color like red or blue not amount of light. Get yourself a shop light like a t12 and a bucket of dirt with a seed in it and water it when its dry.


Well-Known Member
Well I felt bad right after post that so Ill tell a short story. 19 years ago I started my first bag seed in my girlfriends closet in a coffee can with a upward facing halogen lamp turned downward with a towel over it to hide the light lol. It got so hot it melted the plastic lid. Moral is we all started somewhere but try in beat that. Do what ya love and love what ya do. Sorry bro for teasing.


Well-Known Member
Kelvin is an absolute measurement of temperature. Adding kelvin is like someone saying the high for today is 80 and the low is 60 then you add them together and say the total for today's temperature is 140. Doesn't make any sense.

Kelvin is also a measurement of color temperature. The higher the number the "hotter" the color. It gets complicated and I know a lot of you are firing on about 3 cylinders in your v8 brain of an engine. So I won't delve deeper.

In short 6500K puts off more blue than 2100K which puts off more red than 6500K..

Confused yet?



Kelvin is an absolute measurement of temperature. Adding kelvin is like someone saying the high for today is 80 and the low is 60 then you add them together and say the total for today's temperature is 140. Doesn't make any sense.

Kelvin is also a measurement of color temperature. The higher the number the "hotter" the color. It gets complicated and I know a lot of you are firing on about 3 cylinders in your v8 brain of an engine. So I won't delve deeper.

In short 6500K puts off more blue than 2100K which puts off more red than 6500K..

Confused yet?

Appreciate it, i find more trolls on here than good information so im heading for another site, also went online and found a grow tent 0.8 x 0.45 x 0.8 and a 200w fluoro 6400k veg light.

Thanks a bunch rollitup.org for trolls and people bring others down for trying


Well-Known Member
Hey spiffstar

Firstly no matter where you go you will find people willing to shoot you down.


This is a good grow room design explanation.

Airflow and air exchange is very important in grow room design even in small DIY chambers such as yours.

Read a little more about plant needs and your trash can could be workable.

Some in and out fans is all it would take to keep it cool.

Most here would recommend 100w of cfl (actual watts not equivalent) per plant for a decent grow.
