
Seriously. Get off me. It was in a freaking pony tail and very intentional why I didn't show it.
~I'm feeling awfully good right now. The non stop thought process begins~
I have absolutely no pity for chicks that end up having dirty pics of them selves plastered all over social media from a now ex partner who thought he'd share. Don't put yourself in that position(literally) and u have nothing to worry about. Can still send your boyfriend dirty pics. Heaps of ways to be tastefully dirty without major details of your physique showing. More fun too I think. Bit painful sometimes trying to get the right angle in the right light +filter bla bla bla.
Haha Ive fucking lost it so sorry! Where was I gojng with all that??? My hair not showing!
Seriously. Get off me. It was in a freaking pony tail and very intentional why I didn't show it.
~I'm feeling awfully good right now. The non stop thought process begins~
I have absolutely no pity for chicks that end up having dirty pics of them selves plastered all over social media from a now ex partner who thought he'd share. Don't put yourself in that position(literally) and u have nothing to worry about. Can still send your boyfriend dirty pics. Heaps of ways to be tastefully dirty without major details of your physique showing. More fun too I think. Bit painful sometimes trying to get the right angle in the right light +filter bla bla bla.
Haha Ive fucking lost it so sorry! Where was I gojng with all that??? My hair not showing!
Get off you? Whoa! I was merely showing concern for your health status. Excuse me.
then again, I maybe wrong aft
We are good at this, and you are not. You set up these credibly alternate socks, but when put to the test you always revert to blatant abery. You do not have the alcohol-fueled horsepower to run you, even less your stable of sock accounts.

And that galls you almost as much as admitting to craving worm.
You are quite the story teller. I enjoy a good story. Heck I initially went to school to be a fiction writer. Perhaps you could keep the fiction going and entertain not only me, but the entire squad.
Seriously. Get off me. It was in a freaking pony tail and very intentional why I didn't show it.
~I'm feeling awfully good right now. The non stop thought process begins~
I have absolutely no pity for chicks that end up having dirty pics of them selves plastered all over social media from a now ex partner who thought he'd share. Don't put yourself in that position(literally) and u have nothing to worry about. Can still send your boyfriend dirty pics. Heaps of ways to be tastefully dirty without major details of your physique showing. More fun too I think. Bit painful sometimes trying to get the right angle in the right light +filter bla bla bla.
Haha Ive fucking lost it so sorry! Where was I gojng with all that??? My hair not showing!

How come the people that "hate us the most" are the ones that won't go away?

I think I better make a drawing for the "uncool kids". :lol:
All the while demonstrating their fake morality, insulting in public apologizing in PM, and editing their history. Projecting their Schizoaffective with a side of Borderline onto the objects of their interest. Sad to be mentally ill but oft humorous
How come the people that "hate us the most" are the ones that won't go away?

I think I better make a drawing for the "uncool kids". :lol:
You show your insecurities and weaknesses through your words. You are the most transparent of this group of harassees.

But your wish is my command. I'm done with RIU, because you people are truly despicable and know it.
All you uncool kids should know that we could've been friends. All it takes is a little rationality and a little ability to roll with the punches. @Venus55 we could have been great friends and you the queen chica of the board had you only pm'd me some more of those glorious chest shots. We're not evil internet trolls getting our rocks off harassing newcomers. We're merely protectors of each other having a little fun escaping life.