
In which drug-addled parallel universe is this a compliment?

Nice backhand action in saying how you overanalyze TOO, marking me out as the crazy bitch in this exchange.
You are a smart mother fucker! No matter what I say it's going to get dick punched. I nominate you President of the debate team, and perhaps the U.S.
tyler.durden said:
They're still skeptical. I think it's time for an ass pic...

here is a stuffed one


You want table side service with all the fixins or boneless stuffed take home?
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If you have been paying any attention at all, you'll know that our corner of the Internet has had problems with older members making sock puppet accounts specifically to harsh the buzz in here.

You came here with illiterate bluster, just like some of the accounts others have named above.

The dealbreaker however is that you rejected the one path to legitimacy via the good works of our own Dr. @neosapien. So if you're not a sock puppet, you certainly have brought nothing so far beyond an annoying manner and no valuable content whatsoever, excepting your friend's bubble bags.
"Friends bubble bags"????
This was a catpiss clone I used to have. Smelled like a cat peed on a sweaty gym sock. There are totally acrid, pee smelling, ammonia strains.

To our defense 99.67% of all "new members" that come directly to TNT ARE socks. And the whole "having tits thing"?...That literally NEVER happens. There have been about 167 dudes claiming to be chicks. When in fact all they have is a sweaty, misshapen penis. One of them was even a "bisexual yoga instructor" named zarabeth.

EDIT: So Tbone got his sister to pose with a sign? Is that what's happening here?
My thing is I couldn't even see her titties because I was so blinded by her stupidly.

Sock or no sock
Damn almost word for word what @cannabineer said!

View attachment 3999799
This was a catpiss clone I used to have. Smelled like a cat peed on a sweaty gym sock. There are totally acrid, pee smelling, ammonia strains.

To our defense 99.67% of all "new members" that come directly to TNT ARE socks. And the whole "having tits thing"?...That literally NEVER happens. There have been about 167 dudes claiming to be chicks. When in fact all they have is a sweaty, misshapen penis. One of them was even a "bisexual yoga instructor" named zarabeth.

EDIT: So Tbone got his sister to pose with a sign? Is that what's happening here?
My LA Affie looked like that! Did not smoke like that though.
Iodine deficiency has re-emerged in Australia over recent decades.4 Urinary iodine concentration (UIC) is an excellent proxy marker for current iodine intake and is a useful screening tool for iodine deficiency at a population level.5,6 However, day-to-day variations in UIC preclude the use of UIC as a diagnostic tool to assess the iodine nutritional status of an individual, unless multiple samples are collected over a period of weeks to derive an average level.7 As this is neither practical nor a prudent use of resources, the public health response has instead focused on supplementation. Since October 2009, all bread produced in Australia and New Zealand (with the exception of organic bread) must contain added iodine from iodised salt.


Regardless of the cause, hyperthyroidism produces the same symptoms, including weight loss with increased appetite, shortness of breath and fatigue, intolerance to heat, heart palpitations, increased frequency of bowel movements, weak muscles, tremors, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. Women may also notice decreased menstrual flow and irregular menstrual cycles.
Patients with Graves' disease often have a goiter (visible enlargement of the thyroid gland), although as many as 10% do not. These patients may also have bulging eyes. Thyroid storm, a serious form of hyperthyroidism, may show up as sudden and acute symptoms, some of which mimic typical hyperthyroidism, as well as the addition of fever, substantial weakness, extreme restlessness, confusion, emotional swings or psychosis, and perhaps even coma.