
It's probably from the watering...
Anyone can pull shit off the internet dumbass
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The way u just did..?. Ah ... Derr....

U know what, all I did was ask a what I thought was innocent fucking question about pissy weed and after a few decent answers get hounded by a bunch of cock-compensaters much like yourself. If it makes u feel like a "real" man to start attacking randoms on a fucking weed forum (a place I honestly thought people would be pretty chilled considering) then so be it. Fuck. This particular forum is called Toke n Talk isn't it. So I toked, and then I talked. Like wtf seriously
ok now this I just need to know cos it fucking fascinates me. . Do u honestly get some kind of rise out of calling people names? Like say whatever the fuck u like I don't really give a shit I don't know u n I never will. But I'm just curious is all,, does adding the insults make it just that bit better for u??
ok now this I just need to know cos it fucking fascinates me. . Do u honestly get some kind of rise out of calling people names? Like say whatever the fuck u like I don't really give a shit I don't know u n I never will. But I'm just curious is all,, does adding the insults make it just that bit better for u??

Shouldn't you be at the Ancient Forester's Pub with your smackhead friends?

Or do you still owe them money?
ok now this I just need to know cos it fucking fascinates me. . Do u honestly get some kind of rise out of calling people names? Like say whatever the fuck u like I don't really give a shit I don't know u n I never will. But I'm just curious is all,, does adding the insults make it just that bit better for u??
Hey you're the piss weed smoker not me.

How bout dat
Sounds like u know a little more about that scenario than I do. Each to their own.
I don't know what u fuckers are smoking but it certainly ain't of the "euphoric" type now is it. Geez boys, I smoke to relax and get happy, "high" I think it's called. Although according to the knowledgeable crowd here I could be wrong?? U fuckers are obviously smoking FAR too much it's lost the ability to give u that effect. Too much cock n not enough pot being smoked by the sounds of things. Anyway keep it up Cowboys
Ummmm, be a bit strange if I didn't love dick wouldn't it? I don't recall ever giving the impression I was a dyke. Lol. I really am talking to a bunch of juvenile jockeys:)
Of course you are honey. If you want us to believe that bullshit, you'll need to send pics of your tits in PM to @neosapien with the date and RIU written on your chest. Otherwise you're just another crusty sock in our book