Well-Known Member
The inverter units regulate the compressor speed and not fan speed. They are "smart" and most units will tell you outside temp on the indoor display. If temp drops below zero the unit will shut down. Nothing you can do. I have both an inverter 24k unit and a standard 18k unit. The 18k unit has been running since August of 12 and I relocated it to a new garden a few months ago. The last 2 winters have been brutally cold and summers hot as hell here thing is still kicking. The new 24k unit works well at temps above 15 below that cooling capacity is reduced due to frost building up on the indoor evaporator coil and going into defrost mode back and foth. 5 it will shut down completely. I did remedy this slightly by covering the intake side of the outdoor unit with plastic to reduce air Flow across the coil, but max cooling capacity was reduced.
During the summer the inverter kicks ass no doubt but for what we do a nd reliability overall the standard units with the icm module is the safest bet.
So basically the ICM HPC just keeps the pressure up thus keeping temperature up as well, keeping the outdoor unit from getting too cold or freezing up?
Will this one do the job?
So if I'm understanding this correctly from the description, this control will allow me to both heat and cool in temperatures down to -40 degrees Farenheit by keeping the pressure up and the fan moving, essentially protecting against that frosting problem that you're experiencing? That would be PERFECT.
Again, thank you so much for your help.