HURRY! Bugs in soil! Please help! Begging!

aoR Monday

Active Member
I really don't want to lose my crop although they are only 12days old. I came home from working all night and find a small hole in one of my leafs so I dig a little in my soil and find little bugs crawling around. Please help.:-| What do I do?

aoR Monday

Active Member
Well do to no one replying to my post I rushed out to Home Depot and bought Elementals " Insecticidal Soap. Sprayed it on top of leafs, under leafs and in the soil. Hopefully the bugs will stay away for a while and pray that I dont lose my crop for using this product. I guess I'll let you all know in 1-3 days. That should be long enough to tell if the bugs are dying and if my plant was effected by the product.


Well-Known Member
Neem oil works pretty well on alot of the little fuckers you may encounter, not all, but alot.