Hurricane panama punch x la confidential who has grown it


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever grow this strain it says it's a sativa Dom. 70/30 mix mother panama punch dad la confidential .if ya have plz show pics I have 12 that are 3 days out of soul just looking for a general structure on how these will do thanks


Well-Known Member
Others have came out of the cubes besides one she is almost out though. Can't wait to see how this strain grows and I change up what I'll be using for my lights I'm gonna either use the king led 1000w led light or this other 2000w led light. Puts out 390 actual wwatts Screenshot_2019-01-07-09-02-58.png Screenshot_2019-01-07-09-02-58.png Screenshot_2019-01-07-08-56-45.png Screenshot_2019-01-07-09-02-58.png Screenshot_2019-01-07-08-56-45.png Screenshot_2019-01-07-08-42-20.png


Well-Known Member
There is this other one in photos of a 600w bloomspec puts out 250 w was gonna get two of either one of these lights so I'll have close to 500 actual watts in my grow puts it over 50 w per sq ft .here the little girls today20190107_082256.jpg


Well-Known Member
Little transplant today and took away a few small not worthy seedlings gonna make some teas here in week or 2 start giving them some bubble tea with various things in it myko's worm castings bone meal kelp neem few more think they are on day 5 from seed 20190107_193725.jpg 20190107_210205.jpg