Hunting dogs


Well-Known Member
Just added two bluetick hounds to the pack the begals don't like them yet but should be good in a few weeks. My springer spanial is on its last lag will prob have to put him down in the next month wife says no more dogs but I can't help it
I always have too. You need therapy

Couoles that play togetger stay together

I heard it on the radio earlier
Did you say the anal that plays together stays together? Thats all I wanted to hear @sunni can you change us to a couple maybe put something sexy In Our sigs
I have a male Presa that I always wanted to take Hog hunting asca bite dog.

We have a male Presa that I always wanted to take Hog hunting as a bite dog.
What is that? Pitbul mix? I run my begals in comps every weekend rated number 3 in the state for rabbits anyway
Thinking about putting in the order for a ridgeback pup here real soon. My boy Loudog passed 5 or so yrs ago. Loudog was a badass. Never let my friends take him pig hunting, but i bet that breed would be pretty badass at that;-)
I got 5 begals 2 bluetick pups and a spanial now that's it besides my wife's mix idk what it is lab/whatever idk its mom must have been a slut it walks with its paws facing inwards