hundreds of little bugs in the soil! help!!!


Well-Known Member
ok i just brought down my plants to take a few pics of them and i put them back and i notice i see like a thousand little bugs with 2 antenna things coming from the head of them. they are trying to get out of the pot after i watered the plant. im into the 4th week of flowering. what could they be? also they are not on the plant it self. also it seems they can jump alot.

here are a few pics



Well-Known Member
not shure but i know spider mites and knats can live and produce in soil.. and when you water they will come out of soil for air.. are they flting.. are they making webs??? do you see them under the leaves??? are you getting yellow spots on leave???? how long have you notice them thats a bad infestation... as long as your not budding go get so neem oil at yuor loocal grow shop it will kill them


Well-Known Member
sry didnt read fully if they are jumping and not on plant to much thay are prob knats but can be other.. prob not spider mite witch is good... knats are mostly just annoying they wont do as much dammage as other bugs will do... sence you already in bud like you said.. is it in a closed area?? if so go but about 1000 ladybugs they will eat all thos bugs when theres no bad bugs left the lady bugs will also die.


Well-Known Member
not shure but i know spider mites and knats can live and produce in soil.. and when you water they will come out of soil for air.. are they flting.. are they making webs??? do you see them under the leaves??? are you getting yellow spots on leave???? how long have you notice them thats a bad infestation... as long as your not budding go get so neem oil at yuor loocal grow shop it will kill them
no no spider webs but this is the first time i have seen this. no no spots on the leaves and they are NOT on the plant they are just coming out the soil. and like i wrote im into the 4th week of flowering so i am budding. and this is only really bad in my kush plant. the other 2 plants not have near as much.


Well-Known Member
sry didnt read fully if they are jumping and not on plant to much thay are prob knats but can be other.. prob not spider mite witch is good... knats are mostly just annoying they wont do as much dammage as other bugs will do... sence you already in bud like you said.. is it in a closed area?? if so go but about 1000 ladybugs they will eat all thos bugs when theres no bad bugs left the lady bugs will also die.
dangit u posted right before i did. where can i get the lady bugs from?and yea they are in a closet.


Well-Known Member
alot of grow shops cary them... i have found home depot to have them also but not all home depots do i would give them a call.. with it bein almost summer they should be instock all over...they will not harm your plant just eat the bugs... be shures to get window screan or sumthin to cover the fans those are death traps for lady bugs....


Well-Known Member
no worries man im guessing your plant maybe close to a cornfield? those things get everywhere but nothing to worrie about


Active Member
mine are kinda like that but bigger and not nearly as much. when i caught some they look like little mosquitos or gnats. so i am goin to try putting about an inch or 3 quarter inch of sand above each soil of plant and see whats up. i was watering a little too much which is why i think this came about so i cut back on water a little after i let each pots soil dry out almost completely. have you tried anything yet? if so let me know so i can do the same or not make same mistake

thanks for comment bro


Well-Known Member
mine are kinda like that but bigger and not nearly as much. when i caught some they look like little mosquitos or gnats. so i am goin to try putting about an inch or 3 quarter inch of sand above each soil of plant and see whats up. i was watering a little too much which is why i think this came about so i cut back on water a little after i let each pots soil dry out almost completely. have you tried anything yet? if so let me know so i can do the same or not make same mistake

thanks for comment bro
they are gnats heres a couple thing .. let soil dry out.. put sticky fly strips ontop of soil(VERRY STICKY AND MESSY) get some neam oil.. put 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxyde per gallon.. or last but not least and my #1 for pest is buy a shit load of live ladybugs they will only eat bugs not plants and when the bugs die off the ladybugs will to..