
wuz d scene every1...I hav my babies on 18/6 with temp around 80/85F and around 60% humidity while the light is on. when the lights go off however, the humidity gets to around 80/85%. how big of a problem is this? and what should i do about it.



85 is hotter than you want and 60% is the top for humidity. I'd say you need both air conditioning and a dehumidifier. Ideal would be 78 degrees and 50%


Well-Known Member
Well than maybe you can't afford an indoor grow op right now? I don't know man I'm not trying to be an asshole but you will be wasting a lot of money on your electricity bill just to get some crappy nugs... Your plants will not grow well in those conditions.


Active Member
80-85% humidity is very bad. lots of other bad things can and will grow with humidity that high. not to mention lots of nasty bugs love that kind of humidity. what kind fo ventilation/ air flow do you have?


Well-Known Member
keep a fan on them high grade, you and your girls will be fine.
a dehumidifier will jack the heat up and jack your light bill.
i have one for sell.


Active Member
you just need more air my youth, preferably fresh air, so make sure your getting fresh cool air at lights out, you might need to clean your fan.


Active Member
If you use an AC, the humidity will go down with it. So go with an AC, and see if that's enough.