

Well-Known Member
my tent is always staying cold always 75 and under
now my humidity goes from 30-50% but a problem
im constantly is my temperature meter is reading
that its constantly dry in there....any reasons why
maybe or to fix it..


Well-Known Member
OH OK.....
hahahaha perfect
youve helped me out a lot man
i really appreciate it...
ive heard things if you can get it cold enough
your yield can get purple...
is that really trure:-?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Very cold temps (<16C) can cause purpling. However, such cold temps will also stunt the plant and reduce yields.

There's a culture of ignorance around purple plants. Some ppl have the idea that they are unusually potent. Purple buds are not usually a good thing, normally indicates nute deficiency (P) or burn (K) or excessively cold temps.

There are genetically purple plants around which come up purple in proper conditions, but they're very rare and not usually the most potent strain.


Well-Known Member
oh ok,
my temps when lights are off
are around 64- 71 and my temp
when the lights are on is between
70-76.....would that be too cold??


Well-Known Member
lol so its not under 60 but sometimes it can
get low.
hey man i just really wanted to say thank you
like youve answered all my questions and
its awesome

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Yes, that's probably a P deficiency. Could be caused by an actual lack of P or a pH error.

As you see from the chart, P is locked out below 5.8.


Well-Known Member
that chart is i dont think it
gets much better:bigjoint: thank you
my ph is usually 5.3
but now i know i gotta start uping it a little

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Here's another one, not sure of the source, not as readable as St0ney's. I think St0ney made up his chart from this one.



Well-Known Member
hey i was wondering if you could help me figure
out what this iso n my leaves and why this is happening
i just cant figure it out...thank you so much


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Looks like necrosis related to the pH being shot too low. That looks like the older growth, though. It won't repair. You're only concerned with the new growth. If it looks fine, you've fixed the problem.


Well-Known Member
ok ill be sure to fix my ph
i try to keep it at a light green
but how do you know if its fixed
but your right it is on older growth


Well-Known Member
I think the roots might be a bit cool since that is a completly different temp. That also cause purple stems, and stunted growth.