humidity while budding


Active Member
I know I'm not supposed to have high humidity during budding,but what about low humidity? I have 7 percent with lights on not sure what it will be with lights off just put the censer in the grow room. any help would be greatly appreciated.


You're really not supposed to have high humidity during bloom. This creates a good environment for powdery mildew, mold and bud rot especially in large compact colas. I don't know how dry is too dry, but aridity is supposed to stimulate trichome production, presumably to protect the plant.


Active Member
thanks I was just worried I was to low. plants are doing really well.just wanted to make sure they are all they can be.


Well-Known Member
yeah im not 100% sure what symptoms you'll see.. but they are not going to grow well. throw some big buckets of water in there and get a humidifier. is your room too big for your grow? thats usually the only way humidity would be that low


Well-Known Member
rh is just as important as temp or nutes at any stage. 7 will make the plants work so hard trying to move water they will be stunted. depending on other elements like temp and co2 use you want 45-60rh during flower. and remember that when lights go off rh rises a lot.


Well-Known Member
I don't check my humidity. None of my plants seem to be suffering so...just never checked it..


Active Member
thanks all,the plants are doing super good the buds are so big the branches are starting to droop. very sticky and resin coated.I'm afraid to change anything now becaus they are doing so well!!! I'm going to stake them up tomorrow. checked the humidity this morning before work and it was 95 with lights off, when I got home today it is 10 % with lights on.


Active Member
well im in washington. my humidity has been running from a very high 72, to down to 46. depending on out side conditiongs. when its been dry, it runs like 36 to 45. i run god buds, and learnd to increase fan air movement, in flower. aslo, instead of huge centreal cola (rot prone), make it into a multi top plant. after my lil learning experience, no problems. probably why my plants have slowed uptake last few days. humidity up..check oout my albums. they are recent. ill bet they do get a bit humid. like peeps in an elevator!!


Active Member
Anything at end of flower will stink... turpin production is skyhigh.. i dont drob below 45 in flower.. starting at 60 and cutting back a few every week till harvest


Active Member
i get a kick out of how sqwat they are. lol. nice. tho. looks good to me. my rh is at 56% right now. in flower. veg tent is 48%. i went and got lids for my water buckets. this will help a bit.