Humidity & temperature


Active Member
In my last post i didnt ask for shit. So why do you come on here giving me shit. I apologized and explained myself. If thats not good enough for you then gi fuck yourself.
Get over yourselves fellas. Answer the question and move on. Come down off the horse for a bit. We really don't wanna hear you cry about our questions that's for all of you with the knowledge. Post a link answer the question PLEASE. If that helps any or just move on.
Think about it were so frustrated as a newb. Were looking for a bit of help my friends. You run into a problem with all you know already your like wow tuff one. For us temp goes to 82f and were about to throw the whole plant in the garbage. Takes you two seconds. Peace and love
We hear you guys read Google ,Bing, yahoooooooo. We gotcha did you bother to look at the link he sent about humidity. I would have thought it could tell me the weather in every damn country around the world and the humidity. Simple 40- 50 for veg 30 -40 flower very simple think newb help us out its all love.
Your good jmatarazzo don't get discouraged brother. There are alot of people who will take the time to help you. I don't know much but I me two guys who really help on here. I just met them I started doing a Hempy bucket. They have been showing me alot answering all of my questions. Everything n sent me his journal. Probly would have taken me hours to find keep pushing you will find someone doing exactly what you are and they will help. Good luck peace and love


Well-Known Member
Your good jmatarazzo don't get discouraged brother. There are alot of people who will take the time to help you. I don't know much but I me two guys who really help on here. I just met them I started doing a Hempy bucket. They have been showing me alot answering all of my questions. Everything n sent me his journal. Probly would have taken me hours to find keep pushing you will find someone doing exactly what you are and they will help. Good luck peace and love
You really don't get it......every god damn page about growing mj has what temp or rh should be....hemp buckets obv is something harder to find ...I'm talking about simple ass shit like temp or rh

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I would like to say thanks to the people that gave advice. This is my first time growing. I have watched a ton of videos and read a ton of articles. I have now spent well over 300 dollars to grow one plant. Im also getting overloaded on info. I thaught the question i asked was very basic. I am also having some problems with my plant. If i bothered or offended anyone. I apologize. But i asked a question while i was at work and doing a bunch of research is hard from a phone.
How about a little something with all the info you need, right at your fingertips?
Easy to use and no smartass answers.......Video and articales are suspect at best.
This old fashioned style of information transfer works great.


You like soil, so READ THIS BOOK too!

This one goes with the one above - Welcome to the wonderful world of organics!

You are now set to enjoy growing.....Any question you would now pose. Will not look like a (Newbie) dumb one....



Active Member
I would like to say thank to thegrey bush and dr.who. thanks for the links and the info. I was alway taught that a simple question would get a simple answer. I didnt want to start a big ruckus. Originally my question was meant to be about a specific strain. Maybe i didnt word it right but i do remember that i did say that it was pineapple chunk. I do know that all grows are different between equipment, strains, indoor, outdoors, and so on. Everybody has to start somewhere and this is not a cheap hobby. Its not like if you screw up the paint on a model car you can throw it away and start i said in a post before. Im running into some problems with my plant. So i thaught may its just the stain that needed to be tweaked. Again thank you to the last 2 guys that i mentioned.