Humidity. raising. it.


Active Member

Im trying to figure out why my plants did so well as seedlings, but when they put on growth, they yellowed and were dying.[stunted, etc] I'm Absolutely sure it wasn't a nutrient problem, watering problem, or a soil problem. I've done extensive research. Not saying I could still be wrong.

I'm now investigating humidity. I didn't think about it til this morning, and i woke up as usual, cotton mouth, dry nostrils, etc. Which the doc told me was my houses fault, becuase it has "very dry air.''
So, i got a wet/damp towl[sp] and a bowl of water. put an airstone in it and hoping this will help my second attempt at a grow. I've also moved from normal soil to organics.
Bone meal, dolomite lime, worm castings, shults soil [0-0-0] bat guano, and vermiculite, is whats mixed in my soil =] no exact measurements tho.

What do you think?


Elite Rolling Society
IN VEG, I place saucers of water in my closet,
I hang soaking wet bath towels on a clothes hanger in my closet,
I put rolls of soaking wet newspaper in large mouth jars of water, like the paper is a wick, and I MIST often.
Plants love a good rain shower ocassionally.


Elite Rolling Society
There are humdiifiers and DE-humidifiers.

Got too low humidity? Need some cheap Cooling in the room?

Cheap Cool Mist Humidifiers from Walmart:


Ultrasonic Humidifier With Light


Graco, Cool Mist Humidifier, 1.5 Gallon



Active Member
I cant even tell you how much trouble i have gone through with my plants due to humidity. FOR WEEKS i changed rez's, lowered nutrients, added nutrients, exchanged lights, raised them, lowered them, reg water, reverse osmosis water, tried every supplement on the market. Raised PH, lowered PH. Increased watering, reduced watering. My plants were showing every sign of overfertilizing. Leaf tips burned and yellowed. Growth was stunted. Margins discolored and showed signs of zinc defiency. I was about to give up until 3 nights ago i shut off EVERYTHING. I woke up the next morning and all my plants had perked up and looked 100 times better. To check my results i turned everything on. Within 4 hours they were back to shit. I evaluated everything in a notebook and finally shut off my fans and closed all the doors. Within 2 hours they were perked back up. MY HUMIDISTAT was broken. The humidity in the room was less the 20%. All the leaves were dehydrating and canoeing to try and save water. PH was fluctuating because the plants were transpiring so fast. Anyways i have replaced the humidistat and am now at 60%. After three days of misting my plants are almost normal. So there is a little advice on how important humidity is to your plants. It will ruin yours and there life!!!