Humidity problems

Hellow grow world. winter time, controlling the temp is not the problem. I have 2 rooms with base water heat and I have exhaust fans sucking out the rooms to the outside from the ceiling to the attic gable vents. Great air flow, however it sucks the room dry. I'm using humidifiers but when the exhaust fans are on, forget about it. Should i sacrifice the fans during the night to increase the humidity and just run the fans during the day/ or is there another home remedy im not seeing? The humidifier is capable of handling the room. Please advise. Note: I am in flower and the plants are happy.


Well-Known Member
If your humidifiers are not keeping the room moist with your exhaust fans on they're not capable of handling the room. Imagine that one cycling of air in a room is doubling the size of that room. If you're not venting co2 out you should run the exhausts periodically to maintain RH. Can you put a humidistat on your exhaust system?
The only way i can maintain the humidity is shutting the exhaust fan off. Its the opposite of what you think. The fans are working the room and exchanging air just fine. evidence of that is my petition wall made out of 2by 4s and black plastic. While the fans are running you can see the vacuum sucking the plastic toward the room, the set up would be the same for a containment with negative air for and asbestos abatement. Now if i turn off the exhaust fans the humidity rises to optimum levels. this is by using a humidifier capable of a 12 x12 room (which i have). I was thinking i could some how raise the RH while the fans were running. the outside temp. is fridged, there fore its working the base water heating system. This alone will dry the air and between the heat of the lights combined. I will try doubling the humidifier units and turning down the fan speed. Would spraying water directly on the plants and flower help? Or is this not advised
Close up all ports not in 19/5 not 18/6.......put humidifier in front of intake all helps

2 humidifiers didn\t help, tried that.
I just doubled the humidifiers and i got it up to 30% Im in flower 12/12 the buds look great but Ill keep trying different approaches. ty for responding
Ah, in flower 25 to 30% ur good!
Excellent, I brought up room 2 RH 30%. I will have to get 2 more for Room 1. I was thinking i needed at least 50%. The exhaust is still running, allowing the plants to breath well. My white widow is in 5 weeks of flower, the buds look fantastic, thick white and tall. I plan on going about 9 weeks before i harvest. (that could change)


Well-Known Member
Close up all ports not in 19/5 not 18/6.......put humidifier in front of intake all helps

2 humidifiers didn\t help, tried that.
Good tip on putting the humidifier in front of an intake fan. I wasn't sure where intake is coming from in the heating systems for arctic climates.