Humidity Problems, tried everything...I think

I am having trouble raising the humidity in my vegetative tent.
I have hung towels, set out bowls of water, I have spritzed...I even bought a "Vicks cool mist humidifier". so far the only thing that works is bringing the humidity of the room the tent in in up, then the tent humidity rises.
I have checked it with TWO different hydrometer!
Has anyone tried the "Vicks cool mist humidifier"? Is it not working? What kind of humidifier do you recomend (the space is restricted to 12" by 16")
I am at the vegetative stage. I thought the humidity was supose to be between 50-70%, is that correct?
I am using "T5" compact fluorescent light, no fan, except the one in the humidifier.


Well-Known Member
Ive just started at controling the humid in my small closet grow.

Air flow will lower the humidity. I have two 6" fans (6$ ea), 1 on the light, 1 on the floor. The 1 in the floor is on a timer to run during lights out and lowers the humidity. During lights on, floor is off, lifgt fan is on and the humidifier runs. Staying about 45-55 humid, which is as close as I can get it. Also have a 190 cfm filter and fan running 24.

IMO you need to get some air flow/exchange going.



Active Member
I use a towel soaked in water hanging in front of a fan and have had a huge increase in RH. I went from 25-30%RH and I can get it to go as high as 70%rh using this method and my cab is 5'x5'x7'tall.

How much air are you venting out of the tent?? Can you slow down the exhaust from the tent some? could be that the RH outside the room is real low and you are bringing in to much "dry air"?? just a thought....
First, HDPursuit, thank you for you swift reply.
I am not sure I understand.
You said "air flow will lower the humidity."
My problem is the humidity is too low and I need to raise it.
The "ultrasonic" humidifier that i just bought raises the humidity in the room. Then the grow tent becomes the same humidity.
When I put the same humidifier in the tent, the humidity does not go up.
over 50% rh in the room is uncomfortable and is causing condinsation in the window.
Any help?
Hi TwoTokeSmoke,
Thanks for the help.
I am using only passive ventilation because the "T5" compact fluorsents do not create much heat. The only air I am venting out is passive.
I have tried the wet towel method, however I have not tried it infront of a fan.
I am not off to try that.
By the way, the room humidity and the tent humidity are the same. When I put the humidifier in the tent, the humidity in the tent does NOT go up. Weird, eh?


Well-Known Member
Wow, I gotta smoke and think on this one.

I got the Sunbeam Ultrasonic, it has a % scale control that isn't that accurate.

You have a 12'x16' rm with a 5x5x7 tent in the room?

Is the Humid on the floor? top? near your passive exhaust?

What is the intake to the rm and tent?

The water that the humid is putting out has to be going somewhere!

What's your temp in the tent?

I live in the SW normal humity is in the 30%> so window condensation isn't a problem. it's a dry heat ;)


From trolling the board, a sm fan is a must to get air flow around the plants and get co2 to them.
sorry! I meant to say that the space awailable on the floor of my tent was 12 INCHES by 16 INCHES. The whole tent is 16 inches by 36 inches and sixty inces tall. I am using a small circulating fan to draw air from the room into the grow tent. The temp in the tent is 75-80 degrees.
the only reason I am trying to get the humidity up to 50-70% rh, is because I read in the "Marijuana Horticulture"" by Jorge Cervantes that 50-70% rh for vegetative state is needed.
Will lower rh workout ok?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't really worry about the humidity during veg unless you were cloning, but then you would have a cloning area with a humidity dome on for that. Flowering is where you have to worry about humidity. Usually it's keeping the humidity down during flowering that's a problem, you'll be thankful that you have low humidity when you flip em.


Well-Known Member
a stack of nested clay pots, soaked in water, with a towel stuffed into top one. wet it via the towel with spray bottle as needed.


Active Member
i think the problem migth be passive ventilation. Am I understanding you correct that there is no circulation inside the tent? To draw out humidity of said towels, cups of water etc, the air needs to be moving around inside the tent. That beeing said, your plants will be more than happy for moving air as well :) Another way of giving you plants extra humid conditions is to mist water with a spray on the plant itself couple of times a day. But as bam said, humidity during veg isnt too much to worry about. Mine is bout constantly 30% rh, and they dont seem to mind to much. :)


Well-Known Member
Humidity really isn't that big a deal, unless you are in flower and then you want it low, anyway to raise it you can set something wet on top of your's hot so it steams..instantly raises the humidity of anywhere...


Active Member
Humidity really isn't that big a deal, unless you are in flower and then you want it low, anyway to raise it you can set something wet on top of your's hot so it steams..instantly raises the humidity of anywhere...
^^^^^^ = a Good chance of a fire.
Could see it now, place a wet towel on top of reflector get busy and forget to remove it to later find out everything is on fire.


Well-Known Member
I had very low RH probs my first 2 weeks of veg 0-10%. Hanging towels worked for like 10% increases but its a mess and a hassel when they dry out every 2 hours. I bought|0||p_product_qty_sales_dollar|1&pl=1&currentURL=/pl_Humidifiers_4294801320_4294937087_?Ns=p_product_prd_lis_ord_nbr|0||p_product_qty_sales_dollar|1&facetInfo=
Now i can have my humidity anyway I want it I useally keep it at 40-50%