Yes, sort of a contradictory title (I think). 1st time grower here - exactly 4 weeks into growing autoflowering white widow strain.
Up until recently, I had no problems controlling temp and humidity, was consistently hitting 40-55 RH, low to mid 70s fahrenheit with my indoor grow tent. I was watering daily, clean water one day, nutrient mixed alternating days, with just 1-gallon of water total split between these three pots (see pictures). I went away for a few days so I did a watering on Wednesday night and had a friend water them on Friday (fully supervised on video chat lol). They grew incredibly fast in just those 4 days so I started doing 1.5 gallons between these three pots.
Long story short, my combo of new problems:
1) I can't get run-off for shit. I get almost zero run-off from this amount of watering and heard that I should be getting consistent run-off, I'm using Smartpots and have them in plastic trays but they're not lifted off the ground... am I watering enough? I've been doing it very subjectively and just feeling the plant and soil so I don't overwater... I'm fearing I'm under-watering them. Is that the case?
2) Conversely, I now have consistently high humidity readings (70s RH) but the plants look how they look in the posted photos. Could my hygrometer potentially be fucked up or do I have a problem that needs solving? Meter started reading super high over the past day or so. I turned my exhaust fan up a bunch and opened vents to start circulating new air in.
3) the damn white spots on the leaves. I initially thought this was residue from watering with nutrients but I am more suspicious of it being white mold... what are your thoughts? How do I mitigate this? I know I can google around so I won't be offended if you tell me to fuck off on this one but could use some expert pointers.
Thank you everyone!
Up until recently, I had no problems controlling temp and humidity, was consistently hitting 40-55 RH, low to mid 70s fahrenheit with my indoor grow tent. I was watering daily, clean water one day, nutrient mixed alternating days, with just 1-gallon of water total split between these three pots (see pictures). I went away for a few days so I did a watering on Wednesday night and had a friend water them on Friday (fully supervised on video chat lol). They grew incredibly fast in just those 4 days so I started doing 1.5 gallons between these three pots.
Long story short, my combo of new problems:
1) I can't get run-off for shit. I get almost zero run-off from this amount of watering and heard that I should be getting consistent run-off, I'm using Smartpots and have them in plastic trays but they're not lifted off the ground... am I watering enough? I've been doing it very subjectively and just feeling the plant and soil so I don't overwater... I'm fearing I'm under-watering them. Is that the case?
2) Conversely, I now have consistently high humidity readings (70s RH) but the plants look how they look in the posted photos. Could my hygrometer potentially be fucked up or do I have a problem that needs solving? Meter started reading super high over the past day or so. I turned my exhaust fan up a bunch and opened vents to start circulating new air in.
3) the damn white spots on the leaves. I initially thought this was residue from watering with nutrients but I am more suspicious of it being white mold... what are your thoughts? How do I mitigate this? I know I can google around so I won't be offended if you tell me to fuck off on this one but could use some expert pointers.
Thank you everyone!
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