humidity problem, cfl grow

can anyone tell me how i can lower my humidity without a dehumidifier? My plant has been budding for 3 weeks now i'm not seeing to much resin? could that be from the high humiddity?


Well-Known Member
No I dont think so. Give it another week or so and you should see some thrichs.
Its usually the fourth week of flower when I start to see some.

Lowering temps will lower humidity. Moving air around and even balled up newspaper balls as long as the air can still move.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA what the fuck sean! i saw this thread title and i was thinking of you. GUESS WHAT IT IS YOU! thats fuckin nuts cant believe you are posting here too!

mine are blowin up like a mofo

i forgot the textbook IDEAL temps. i think with lights on it is best to maintain a temp. of 72-78 and when the lights are off the temp should drop about 5 to 10 degrees, but this is not a requirement.

its really hard to control temps in small places such as closet without an exhaust fan, which can be pricey and involve cutting a hole in your wall which you prob cant do.

my best advice would be to crank your AC in your house. maybe close all the vents in the house except for the one closest to your closet so you get all the cold air in there.

also an oscillating fan is key. right now i just keep my closet door open with a fan spinning back and forth facing away from the plants and blowing out into my room. that way your plants get a little air movement which is good and the fan helps blow the hot air out of your closet.

as for the resin like that other dude said just wait a while. crystals dont start to show until the 2nd half of flower cycle sometimes. just stick with your program, go ultra light on the nutrients and you should be alright. im still trying to figure out the right ammount of nutrients to use while growing with cfls. its a lot different than growing with an HPS

Oh yeah and about it being in the 90's it is bad. its not gonna kill your plant but it will make it less "good". think about weed outside in summer time when its 100 degrees it grows fine but isnt as good as indoor danky. just do whatever you can to keep your temp down in the area of 72-78 and you will be fine. if you cant get it to 78 just get it as low as you can.
