Humidity levels, How low is too low?


Well-Known Member

im debating whether or not to get a little one that removes 350ml max as its quite cheap and small - but if i need say 2L plus drawn out of my growroom per day then surely thats not much use?


Well-Known Member
Ive been lying in bed thinking about this and ive just had a brainwave...

Since i have such a small space, im definitely not going to have room for a dehumidifier in my cupboard - however, what i could do is hang some cfls from the roof of it alongside the 250w hps (im thinking 2 red and one blue)

- what this will do is add heat - which will in turn reduce humidity and i know this as my last grow my flowering cabinet was about 60% humidity maybe a bit more and i was worried about it - but i chucked in my old cfl reflector and red spectrum bulb (150w) and it brought it down so it stands to reason that if i add some mmore cfls i might just get lucky and get the humidity spot on 35%

just a thought for anyone who has space issues and wants to get that humidity down!!! as the damprid products etc will not get it low enough take it from me


Active Member
Any brand will work, but get a 30liter per day dehumidifier, even with that, it takes about a half a day to make a difference.
Although also I should mention once I get my humidity down to my desired level, I can turn it off, and the humidity will stay in that lower range for a long time. I don't have to run it 24/7 which I was afraid of, but I'm not in a basement either, so I don't know how that would work, but...
I wish everybody luck, I've worried about humidity for along time, but have found little information on it and it's effects on resin, but knew from growing it had adverse effects on some grows. So, I'm glad there's a good thread out there addressing this subject


Well-Known Member
Ive been thinking again <scratches head> if i add the cfls it will bring down my humidity i know that for fact but it will only be during the lights on period... do you guys that use dehumidifiers keep them running 24/7 as i know its during the night that the humidity goes through the roof - thanks
I havnt measured it but having Gas heat will drop the humidity big time. Shit my nose is bleeding every morning due to the boogers being air dried to the insides of my nasal passages. I routinely wake and put water up my nose like I had to back working concrete and then blow the warm water out and see the globs of blood. I was wondering myself if this was helping my girls in flower

Man that was graphic you should write horror.
I've had problems with powdery mildew, so I use mine 24 hours a day. You'll only need to use one if you have a problem with high humidity. Night time humidity usually goes up considerably, especially if you cant vent. I cant vent during the night cycle because without my lights on, it would get too cold. Plus, I like to keep venting to actual night time-smells and such. I got the 70 pint and I still have to empty it a couple times a day, and thats with maintaining 50 percent rh. I'm going to bring it down as low as I can get it now, running the unit on continuous because I'm still having outbreaks of pm here and there. I'm in the last 2 weeks so I'm going to do everything I can to prevent any loss to pm. Some really good advice was get the biggest one you can. They were right. I have to say, I love having a dehumidifier. I'll never go without again. It adds another layer of control over conditions. So, hope that helps...