Humidity Level Rising


Active Member
My plants are almost 3 weeks into the flowering stage and they're budding quite well. Last week my basement flooded and the humidity in the closet where the plants are stored is climbing rapidly (now approaching 70%)!!!

Please tell me how this will affect my plants.

Will it slow their budding???

This is definately too high of a humidity level for the flowering stage isn't it?!?!

Comments please.


Well-Known Member
watch for fungus, mold etc that will grow in the buds in very humid enviroments, get a fan, try and dry the place out, its less importiant during veg, but now you want around 40% humidity, not much more


Active Member
thank you guys. i will most definately try to get a fan in there A.S.A.P. A couple of my previous fans from PC's had quit working.


Well-Known Member
get a dehumidifier AND a fan. you need to keep the moisture level at around 50-65 tops any more, yeah you may get fungus, bugs, spider mites, etc. a little moisture is ok but if its lingering by all means get a dehumidifier. mone are in an unheated basement so mine always have a dehumidifier and a fan to keep 'em warm (the exhaust from the dehumidifier is around 68 degrees f) and the air moving to minimize mold and fungus buildup.


Well-Known Member
pc fans don;'t move anywhere near the proper amount of air for a proper setup (in my opinion) I use a box fan pointed directly at the plants redirecting my dehumidiifiers exhaust onto the leaves. works for me and cost about $6 at a local hardware store


Well-Known Member
so i bought a air conditioner and everybody told me not too. but you know what, fuck what they say its the best thing i bought. it will keep humidity very low which is good(makes leaves long and thin! and will take care of heat. you have to buy a temp/humidity controller too hook the air conditoner too. ther about 80 bucks and air conditioner about 100$ let me know how it goes
My plants are almost 3 weeks into the flowering stage and they're budding quite well. Last week my basement flooded and the humidity in the closet where the plants are stored is climbing rapidly (now approaching 70%)!!!

Please tell me how this will affect my plants.

Will it slow their budding???

This is definately too high of a humidity level for the flowering stage isn't it?!?!

Comments please.