Humidity issues please help


Active Member
Ok .. so i have a humidifier that should be able to humidify a room 6X the size of my closet... but im pretty sure the exhaust fan i have mounted at the top of my closet is sucking the humidity out... how could i make it so the fan doesnt suck the humidity out of the closet.. or is that an issue im just going to have to deal with.. got pics of the humidifier... u can see the size ratio to the solo cups.. using a stealth F4 exhaust fan as well.. any tips or input is appreciatedIMAG0215.jpgIMAG0216.jpgIMAG0217.jpg


Well-Known Member
Your good Bro. You only need lots of humidly when they are little. Your in solo cups now. they'll be fine


Well-Known Member
yeah there is no magic way to keep the humidity level up in a room with an exhaust fan sucking it all out...easiest way is to get a whole house humidifier and increase the humidity of the room the closet is in, but 30-40% will be OK now that the plants are out of seedling will stunt them a little bit, but its not that big of a deal...if anything having the humidity that low you don't need to worry about mold :)


Well-Known Member
As stated, they will be fine. If anything you may be posting about high RH at a later date when they are in full flower and really putting out the moisture. Happy growing!


Active Member
Thanks guys... yea this is my 2nd grow.. first one grew regular bag seeds... these are the super critical silver haze... trying to make everything perfect for em... but i guess at the end of the day there a weed... and they will grow lol.. and i guess 1 more question... totally off the humidity topic... when would be the best time to top them?


Well-Known Member
We need a bit more info to answer that question, and it all really depends upon what results you want.

Generally topping slows the plant's growth down for a few days as it recovers and puts out new top stems. Growth from that point will be from two tops, and split between the two smaller rather than one large main cola. Top again, and you have four tops with equal growth, and so on.

Some strains like to be topped, others punish you for it in height, or their structure is not strong enough to support multiple tops, etc.

Short, sturdy indicas respond better than tall, lanky sativas. The hybrids fall anywhere in that range.

I would recommend a two week veg period after any topping before you go to flower, and do not top in flower.

Strainfinder has a lot of growth profiles:

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Haze is tall/thin, skunk/afghani is short/bushy. With a 73 day flower stretch will not be too bad, but haze xs do stretch, maybe allow 100% minimum. Consider the penetrating depth of your light and the height in your grow room to determine when to top. A 4' plant is going to need a 1000w hps (or extensive side lighting) since the par distance is 36" from the bulb, the lower foot will not receive any par (photosynthetically available radiation). A 400w hps penetrates 21" from the bulb, 600w 28".

I hope this helps. When you to


Active Member
​wow... that is way too scientific for me... im using a 400W MH right now... switching to a HPS when flower... not quite sure what all of that meant..


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, I kinda forget to speak in english sometimes. With a 400w mh, light penetrates 18" from the bottom of the bulb, with 400w hps 21". So that means the top 20" or so of the plant is going to get the beneficial light. Typically the bottom 6-12" of the plant's bud sites (from the soil up) is trimmed off to improve upper bud size, called lollipopping.

So, now you can theorize that you want approximately 20" + 12" = 33" tall plants to maximize your light use.

Stretch is the tendency of a plant to keep growing upward after you initiate flowering on 12/12. Remember on your first grow how they kept going up? They all do this to a degree. Haze's stretch a lot (the haze is dominant in your stain, meaning it will grow and feel more like a pure haze) and you can guarantee they will double in height or more, or 200% stretch.

So that means at 200% stretch if you veg to 12", you will get a 24" plant at chop. Topping slows the plant down and reduces the height considerably. Does this make sense?

As far as how to use strainfinder, I'll use a strain I'm going now as an example, Nebula:

This is the user review section of the strain, dependent upon users to input and it is not on every strains profile.

"Nebula (Paradise Seeds) :: StrainReview :: Overview

All the reviews for the strain Nebula (by Paradise Seeds)

Here are a list of all reviews for this cannabis variety, uploaded by our users. Please use the small navigation above (or the links in the tables below) to view the average reviews for indoor, outdoor or the individual phenotypes (if defined so far).


Average Indoor Review

Phenotype: unspecified / whole variety

info byStr.Yi.Co.St.To.
Luelue140 %
misty433 %
long, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #1

info byStr.Yi.Co.St.To.
zels420170 %

See that stretch (Str.) section, I see stretch is 140-433%. I decided after research on other grows and my experience with the parentage of the Nebula strain (haze x white widow), to go with an average of 200%, grew her to 30". My max height should be around 60", with the bottom 18"+ trimmed off (lower bud sites only, leaves and top colas of side stems stay).

I know that is a lot to digest, but feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best.


Active Member
well the full growth i have availible in my room ... my hangers are about 80" up... 6" for the hanger's so im at 74" ... then take about 18" off for the distance from the light too the plants... leaves me with around 56" of growing space... sooo if i should expect my plants to double in size... i should put them into 12/12 by what you said @ around 24".. cuz even if they double or more.. i'd still have enough room? now with all of these... when should i top?


Well-Known Member
I have not grown that particular strain, but I would suggest topping after 6" or the 5th true node. Haze's have a stretchy, thin stem and not many side branches. I do not top them more than once and do so early. You really just have to wait and see how they are growing.

They look really healthy dude. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
ok.. so at the risk of sounding like a complete fool how do i definitely identify each layer... or node as you put it what exactly is the "5th true node"


Well-Known Member
Nothing foolish about asking questions and learning something dude.

Each set or pair of actual leaves (not the cotyledon, the tiny curved leaf set) that grows out of the main stem is called a "true leaf set" or "node". From each node a pair of stems grow, just under each leaf, with another node, on and on until they have hundreds of bud sites.

So the fifth true node is the fifth set of leaves on the main stem. When you top it, those two side shoots on the topmost node will become two tops, and main stem, as the plant divides hormones between the two, and each competes for dominance.

Happy growing!


Active Member
Tyvm man.. yea i know the whole topping technique and how it works. .. just never quite understood exactly when... but you solved that issue for me .. tyvm man greatly appreciated