Humidity issue and interest


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok again my fellow forum scientists. I have an issue I was curious for thoughts on.NowI originally had fine humidity in the grow are but am finding with the temps in my area going from 75 2 weeks ago to 6 inches of snow this week along with the new 12/12 light cycle and full on co2 injection moisture is gonna be an enemy.The grow room which is plastic built is showing heavy moisture on the walls and pretty much everything else.My co2 tank sweats and everyday there is a pool of water in the container I set it in to catch the run off maybe 2 cups of run off from condensation. The plants are looking fine but it does worry me now when I move over lapping leaves there is water from where they touched.Its an aero setup so lots of moisture availiable.The dark temps are around anywhere from 63-75 lights on they stay around 76-82.I know a simpe answer would be to just add a dehumidifier but The avilable circuit for the area is maxed.I tried before to toss a mini heater in there and it pops the circuit breaker in less then 2 minutes so I think the dehumidifier will do the same.Any out there ideas to easy humidity and condesation without and electrical device.Otherwise I may have to get a timer and dehumidify when lights are off..Just looking for suggestions

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
the secret Trane Co uses to control condensation on their drip pans is sterafoam they coat the drip pan with it

Lowes has small cans of spray on foam

or program several timers to say turn off something other than lights for time and during that time turn on the dehumidafier then switch back

If you need help setting it up I'll help

I use a allen bradley slc 500 programable controller for all my needs that way I can change all my settings from the key board of my laptop while I watch TV

I use honeywell controllers to watch the temp. I don't have a humidity meter yet


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im not sure if I can do any dehumidifier during lights on as the 3 400 watt lights have to stay on and then exhaust and intake run at specifi times then the co2 injectioon system comes on when they shut off and then when the co2 injection goes off the oscalationg floor fan comes on via timer to recirculate the floor air up. That pretty much taps all power as I only have 1 outlet in that area and that breaker for some reason runs that outlet and 3 bedrooms. This old house was wired completely wrong but I dont own so I cant tear it apart and rewire.Maybe I can look into buying a super small dehumidifier with real low draw hmm.. And I dont get the stryofoam thing what would I do with the spray the tank?Enclose the whole thing in foam?

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
yep thats how it works it will stop the condensation but looks like shit

I did a google on your problem all solutions needed electric damn

wait heat was a solution maybe canned heat or oil lamp they make heat and co2

use them while the temp is dropping fast or turn off some fans while the temp is dropping fast

Your not going to need it for long maybe a long extension cord for more power


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah Im thinking maybe so.Next available outlet not on that circuit will nedd 100 foot cord lol.I need to just have a biger amped brekare box put in so I can run another breaker on its on circuit but will cost like $500 to have it done .Think the foam will be real hard to get off as the places around here trade empty tanks for fulls they dont refill just swap tanks might get a funny look bringin foam encased tanks back in lol


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm workng on coffee, so bare with me. However....why is your temp only 75? If you raise your temp to say 90, your relative humidity will go down alot. I think if you raise your temps, the plants will do better too. Co2 & plants perform better around 90ish.

Ok again my fellow forum scientists. I have an issue I was curious for thoughts on.NowI originally had fine humidity in the grow are but am finding with the temps in my area going from 75 2 weeks ago to 6 inches of snow this week along with the new 12/12 light cycle and full on co2 injection moisture is gonna be an enemy.The grow room which is plastic built is showing heavy moisture on the walls and pretty much everything else.My co2 tank sweats and everyday there is a pool of water in the container I set it in to catch the run off maybe 2 cups of run off from condensation. The plants are looking fine but it does worry me now when I move over lapping leaves there is water from where they touched.Its an aero setup so lots of moisture availiable.The dark temps are around anywhere from 63-75 lights on they stay around 76-82.I know a simpe answer would be to just add a dehumidifier but The avilable circuit for the area is maxed.I tried before to toss a mini heater in there and it pops the circuit breaker in less then 2 minutes so I think the dehumidifier will do the same.Any out there ideas to easy humidity and condesation without and electrical device.Otherwise I may have to get a timer and dehumidify when lights are off..Just looking for suggestions


Active Member
Videoman is dead on, you need more heat in your grow room especially when your CO2 is running, promotes massive growth when temp is around 85-90 try battery powered heaters.