Yup... use a large tupperware square container that fits over all clones, and still a couple inches from light. Or, panda film around the outside of the AG, leaving a space in the bottom for air. Makes its humid and warm.
Humidity is next to godliness for clones you want them to root....also make sure you get temp up in your medium to stimulate rapid growth....never ever follage feed!
example i use tents, low dome and water bed heater underneath them..with spray bottle i spray lids frequently and in seven days look the fuck out......I do fifty at a time with only a grow and sho light
Going both ways now to see the results. Opaque dixie cups over some and others in the open. Will let you know. in a high humidity climate tho might be a determining factor in this case as well.
so it seems that humid climate is helping I suspect because did not need humidity cover at all for my first batch of clones.
of course it may weaken the overall time and effectiveness of the plant in general.