I have a 4x4 grow tent. I’m just learning the process and trade. Is a humidifier really necessary? I understand the purpose behind it but if I’m running the heater to keep the tent warm can I get away without a humidifier. Lmk what you think and opinions please.
Thanks Jon! I’ve got two UV IR’s and two LED 4000/5000 and the heater, fan, vent. How long should I run the humidifier?
Thinking on this one, if I put humidifier, dehumidifier air conditioner, heater, fan in my 4x4 I might as well not plug the light in as there wouldn't be any room for plants, it would be an expensive closet. Good luck figuring this one out! Let me know what you come up with.
You run them based on need. Get a Thermometer and Hygrometer to start. Then keep an eye on temp and humidity. If its cold, turn on the heat. If the RH is low, turn on the humidifier. No one in here will be able to tell you what your tent will need.Well like I said I’m brand new to this. That’s why I’m here. If you have any recommendations lmk! I’m just YouTubing everything! It’s 12° here in my state and I’m setting the tent up in my garage. I hear people say “better keep it heated” then they say to “create your own atmosphere”. I get that a heater and a humidifier counter each other so should I run them separate times? Or only heater? Only humidifier? I have a fan for circulation. Lmk your input please!
Thinking on this one, if I put humidifier, dehumidifier air conditioner, heater, fan in my 4x4 I might as well not plug the light in as there wouldn't be any room for plants, it would be an expensive closet. Good luck figuring this one out! Let me know what you come up with.
Check out the Inkbird humidistat or their humidistat/thermostat combo. If you’re using electric heat I can assure you that you need a humidifier. These controls will simplify your life. Get analog or manually adjustable cool mist humidifier and the controls. You won’t be sorry.Thanks Jon! I’ve got two UV IR’s and two LED 4000/5000 and the heater, fan, vent. How long should I run the humidifier?