mist or warm mist


Well-Known Member

i been having a issuse with humidity in my area it is dropping way to low for a good dry

so i found this

it is 2 gallon system that has a humidity senor and control system (whole reason i got ) i can set it to 45% it will kick on and shut itself off once it is hit

it has a directional vent and a setting to keep the volume released at a lower amount so it would take longer to get it to lvl but less of chance of droplets forming ...........i am looking at keeping it on the floor of the area i use for drying

but the part i am unsure about is the kind of mist
Warm mist
Cool mist

so ppl ..................what have u used........ was it just a reg old mist or did u have a choice between warm or cool .........what one did u pick how did it turn out


Well-Known Member
so i am guessing it does not matter

aslong as it cuts off at 45% all is well .................thanks

if i am wrong please say something


Active Member
Just a suggestion, but what about brown paper bags for curing, my friend?

It keeps the buds enclosed slowly sweating the moisture, which I am sure you know, lol.

It may be an easier solution for you, unless you've already bought a humidifier...


Well-Known Member
i am aiming for a method of controll that will copy the same results time after time ........... the buds have to be dry to smoke but not to flakey the stems should snap and when u break off a flower it should not peel part of it off

that cure rack i linked u allows me to put mutli ozs on each of the 3 teirs ......carbon filter up top and run a passive intake (light and temp is controlled this way along with spacing for air flow ) .....this is the last thing i got to get locked in and i can repeat the same method each time and get the same results .........this now gives me a product i can market myself (once they get the paperwork set up to apply open a shop and supply legal ) or can get a permit to ship weed to shops in cali and colo

as for the underground sales they lock they like it the orders each month is a set price i can count on for that months income this point i no longer need to work i earn more money in 3 days then i do legally all month ...........alls this requires is me to do 2 hours a work every day but harvest (with that trimmer i linked u that time will drop to about 3 4 hours instead of 7 to 9 )

i got what i linked up top i was messing around with it yeasterday it should work the way i want it too .......i just wanted to gather imput from others to see if i need to tweak my plan

i use to do this stuff when i was a teen earned a good rep ..........right now anything i make i can sell in this market here but as i get better the prices are staying the same ........this way ppl never want to say my name if they get in shit (they want to keep me) they say some bullshit youngen that has been ripping them off with new school rules day i hope to have a brand of amish fucker stores/strain of weed/or moonshine on sale in stores


Active Member
I like some of that background from ya, makes me get a good picture of what is on your plate in life now, something you don't usually get with technology connecting all of us. Anyways, I get what you're sayin. I am actually going to brown bag my harvest, I could see how doing it your way would be much, much more efficient if I had quite a bit that I needed to dry. Not to mention putting pounds scattered in different bags would be such a pain in the ass.

I plan on getting a good 3-4 zips from my harvest, lol, Between the small space and using a couple autos, I am not planning a huge harvest rightfully so. But it is mostly personal and 3-4 zips is more than I had ever imagined having at any given time, and I probably only go through a half ounce every 9-12 months. It will be easily converted from branch to brown bag.

That is awesome how you have everything dialed down to a science. I hope to get that way as my growing progresses and moves forward through the years.