Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!


Well-Known Member

How much longer are you going to flower? I know you've got some molasses ready!!

How many megapixels is your camera LOL?


Well-Known Member
WOW I love your journal.

Ive not started my 1st grow yet and Im already having difficulties, do you reckon you can help me (Humboldt) or any one for that matter, this is my little problem:

My cupboard measures at Height=60cm, Width=100cm, Depth=25cm. I wil be using rockwool instead of soil, and im not sure about the lighting.

Can anyone breifly explain what type of lighting (lumens, distance, spectrum etc) I should use in the propagation/cloning stages in this size cupboard.

Also do you think this will do the trick: 110w Sun mate Propagating Light £69.99, Hydroponic supplies, grow lights, co2 and more...

How far apart should the lighting be from the seedlings and clones and at what stages.

Thanks guys.


New Member
that system will work fine... but you can get 100 w cfls from for 20$ usd.. so i dont know why'd you spend 6 times that on something that puts out 1-2000 more lumens... just get 6 100 watt cfls... same price 3x the efficiency.... as for the clones and seedlings you can grow them under alot less light just start low and work your way up... or just start full strength ... it doesnt really matter .... also for any low heat lighting.. try to keep it a few inches from the plants tops... as close as you can get without burning them... odd's are they could prolly grow right onto the bulbs... but dont risk it with the little ones 2-3 inches should be fine.. and keep the cubes wet so the clones can root


Well-Known Member
Whats going on buddy?

Your doing a great job, all of them are looking really good. How are the clones doing?

I'm fin. getting over the flu. So now I can check out my fav. site. RIU and not feel like shi*. Good times.

Its hard reading all your posts just to much reading, but I guess thats what happens when your the MAN..../

take care.



Well-Known Member
Hey Hum!! I got the meter at Wally for instructions on uploading a vid...go see my latest post~ hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
LOL mstrymxer .. patience my friend, I tried posting last night or early this morning rather and the site was down..

I don't know how much longer I'm going to flower, I was kinda counting on you guys to help me out with when I should harvest, It does look like it's going to be past xmas, also they are 10 days shy of two months, they do seem to be a fast growing strain and am hoping that it won't be much longer than 9 - 10 weeks, from what it looks like right now I may start flushing around xmas and should be smoking my own bud within the new year .. HOOAH!!, that will be my new years resolution, "NEVER TO GO WITHOUT AGAIN!"

How have you made 420 replies to my thread when it shows you only have 342 posts?

You're not alone majim, I'm thinking jomal is losing his as well.. you'll be back and growing in no time at all, xmas is just around the corner from your new pad.....

Thanks iloveit, looks like DOT has answered your questions, very cool of him, feel free to post any future questions you may have in hopes they will get answered, however most will probably never but it's worth the shot.

Stands to ALL! if you're having problems or needing advise, don't be afraid to ask questions concerning your cfl grows, if I'm able to I personally will answer any quetions asked.. also post your journal links!

Helping Hands!!

Thanks DOT very nice of you to help our friend ilovit, needing more people like yourself...

Hello there mstrymxer, I'm not sure, by looking at the images, got any ideas as to when? hoping within the next three four weeks, right now I'm playing it by ear (day 2 day) until somebody says .. "hey you better harvest that shit! LMAO @ the avatar, although bush should be at the end of a firing squad rather than in a booking room...

Holy shit, it's a Logan, welcome back, good to hear everything is all and well, my clones are dying off, I don't know maybe three looks like they may still have a chance but I'm thinking I wasted hundred bucks on cloning shit, I'm going to call that quicks for the time being, I'm thinking about breeding/cross breeding and doing seed grows until I can gain somemore experience with cloning, after all being able to name a breed/seed doesn't sound all that bad and I could use a variety of seeds...

Humboldts bubblewtfgum - seeds 10 4 a buck! How does that sound?

PS: Thanks but I am not the man, from my understanding the MAN carries a badge...

Jolly they are the same hieght, they have not grown since I put them into flower,




Thanks pencab, never been to a wally world I've been hearing a lot about it, must be something like the costcos or sams place? I recently visited your journal, I'll have to work on that soon.. thanks for the info.

Pic of the day,

Bushys top cola is short but damn she's getting phat, I noticed today she's leaning more than usual, I'm thinking .. is this due to her buds getting too heavy or the positioning of the lights? any ideas?

Until Next Time!


New Member
apparently people arnt to fond of me on this forum :) i just got an infraction for saying
" i bet your not even asian" im just passing on the info people have given to me ... and those buds look so damn nice....i can smell them now


Well-Known Member
OUCH!, DOT I just read the posts, I would watch what you say .. nongreen is nobody to be calling names, you'll be lucky if you don't get suspended or something, thanks for the comments..

Thanks Harkin, I am leaning more towards that as well, I do rotate her every feeding, that may play a big role in it...

Until Next Time!


New Member
that wasnt even an insult... unless you consider being asian a bad thing? or... yea i dont know how that was infraction worthy.. and hes a prick who needs to get his thumb out of his ass ;)


Well-Known Member
I think as it's leaning over to get a bit light, the extra weight of the bud makes it lean a bit more, so it's a bit of both, just guessing here though:peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Wow, been a awhile since I've seen these girls. They are looking great, maybe 2 more weeks or so? Then you can smoke some over the holidays, lol. Nice job. :mrgreen::peace:

PS. just ignore dot, he can be mean sometimes.