Humboldt14 2014 Outdoor Grow

I was a drifter 10 years ago in Humboldt and made a good living trimming......whatever greedy shit you do is who you are so whatever. take care dude.
Whoa, and deleted just like that... that's why I love quoting people as soon as possible LOL.

Anyways. Hey Humboldt, didn't you say you had some Lemon Larry OG growing? I could use a couple NorCal secret weapon cuts ;-).
grow up...
I deleted my stuff almost as fast as I posted it
Loyal and true??? Bahahahaa
Did you ever work for me?
You sound like a typical drifter trimmer bitching and complaining and causing problems. No need for your negativity. Don't be a troll brother. And I heard there are still nut sack trim jobs still available.
In australia we call drifters GYPSIES in general they have no gd education behind them and take whatever mundane non qualification jobs that are available......
Whoa, and deleted just like that... that's why I love quoting people as soon as possible LOL.

Anyways. Hey Humboldt, didn't you say you had some Lemon Larry OG growing? I could use a couple NorCal secret weapon cuts ;-).

Troll. Lol.

Yea man I sure do. I will take some pics of them soon as the rain stops today.
We can try to hook up after harvest and do some genetic trades. I am realy trying to make the bbq it's looking promising right now.
Troll. Lol.

Yea man I sure do. I will take some pics of them soon as the rain stops today.
We can try to hook up after harvest and do some genetic trades. I am realy trying to make the bbq it's looking promising right now.
That would be awesome man. I've heard good thing about that cut.
Dude ur the one leaching off growers for a job at the end of the year, u wanna make money get ur own op going otherwise....... Stfu?
dude I said 10 years ago...and what the heck do you mean leach????it is called working...are you that dumb that you never learned how to read?????I have a landscaping business and my own grow so I guess if you can read this stfu .....
dude I said 10 years ago...and what the heck do you mean leach????it is called working...are you that dumb that you never learned how to read?????I have a landscaping business and my own grow so I guess if you can read this stfu .....

Do you hire 10 guys to dig a hole or do you simply sit on an excavator? Time have changed man, it's about being efficient....
dude I said 10 years ago...and what the heck do you mean leach????it is called working...are you that dumb that you never learned how to read?????I have a landscaping business and my own grow so I guess if you can read this stfu .....

10 years ago we got 5k a unit. its not cost effective anymore to hire trimmers. its taking food out of my children's mouth.

next subject this one bores me...:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:
10 years ago we got 5k a unit. its not cost effective anymore to hire trimmers. its taking food out of my children's mouth.

next subject this one bores me...:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:
I was fighting the urge to continue this. Lucky it wasn't my thread, lol.
Prices were better back when trimmers were worth it, imo.
How's your plants doing buddy? any problems?