Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality


Well-Known Member
No way they could programs a robot to do nearly as many things as a human can. The brain is more powerful then any computer man has made so far and not by a little.
but we are not talking about a year down the road.....or even a century down the road..... who's to say in 10,000 years we wont be that far? how about 100,000 years? we are talking of the distant future....if we can achieve immortality we will have to understand everything about our bodies so its not that far fetched to think a c0omnputer in 100,000 years could replicate brain functions. look at how much progress has been made in the last 100 years.....or the last 20 years even. ,but anyway what i meant was....if i put my brain in a robot body would i be dead or since my consiousness still exists would i be alive?


Well-Known Member
man, this forum is so deep! it brings up in my mind all these ?s. like what is life? how do you define it? crackerjax post made me think the most though "But what is "advanced"? Is advanced being able to manipulate your environment like man, or is it the turtle who is in perfect harmony with its environment?". thats so true!!!! whats the definition of immortality or perfection or advanced? i think we all have our own answers to these questions so nobody is right and no one is wrong.


Well-Known Member
LOL...There is one right answer. Everything else is speculation or opinion. In time the truth will be revealed.


New Member
Only if a truth is there to be revealed....perhaps there is no truth....only a forward gear, come what hither.


Well-Known Member
ya.. i agree with darkdestruction... i'm so Blown i'm scared...
Ahhhh, it'll be quick. We won't feel a thing, like a Band-aid. BAM - we're all dead.

I guess if Yellowstone erupts, it might take some time for those far enough away. Maybe we'll survive a couple of nuclear winters.

Either way, it's refreshing knowing that one day, we'll all die. Pondering how is the fun part...


Well-Known Member
yeah no shit, if you told me I was gonna live forever, i'd choke you.. I might not kill you.. but there i'd be.. chokin you to death.. forever..


Exactly. I wouldn't want to live forever. Forever is a damn long time
and after so long I would just want to be at rest and not go thru the
daily hustle and bustle of life.

I'd get sick working.

I'd get sick of doing the same things all the time. History repeats
itself, and I wouldn't want to be around forever to see it over and
over again.

Hell, my grandpa is 62 and he is SURE he is ready to leave. He is just
waiting for the day it happens.

Just think if you were 300. You'd be sick of living.


Well-Known Member

Exactly. I wouldn't want to live forever. Forever is a damn long time
and after so long I would just want to be at rest and not go thru the
daily hustle and bustle of life.

I'd get sick working.

I'd get sick of doing the same things all the time. History repeats
itself, and I wouldn't want to be around forever to see it over and
over again.

Hell, my grandpa is 62 and he is SURE he is ready to leave. He is just
waiting for the day it happens.

Just think if you were 300. You'd be sick of living.
true, lol. cept i think you'd go through periods of insanity and then be ok for a while just like waking up w/no memory then eventually going insane again....forever and ever and ever