Human shit for fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
It attracts flies. Flies walk on you neighbour's dog's shit and then on your flowers, so you smoke shit....


There's an old saying "Don't shit where you eat." you may not be eating your weed (though some people do). but even with smoking, its still going into your body. most local governments have zoning rules bout how far away plants grown for human consumption have to be from a septic tank and leach field.


i think the point was not that staph infections and pink eye etc would be passed on to future smokers of the weed. it like wouldnt be absorbed into the plants in a way tht could re-infect humans, but the simple handling of human feces, can confer diseases and illnesses upon the farmer who is using it.


Well-Known Member
You are a poor example of trolling. Study real trolls and only then try to capture their magic with dumb threads.

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
I highly recommend you shit in your planters, and take a pic for us. Then give it a heavy watering and take another pic.
Dude.. Are we smoking dog shit?
It gets you high doesn't it? Hahahahaha.. Sorry. Had to say that.

Would you honestly want to smoke you're shit? I sure as fuck wouldn't

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
He probably would be happier, making his own Jenkem, than shitting all over his plants. I'd love to see it, though. I like the idea of spraying down the plants with tea... lol.


What you need to do is first shit into a bucket. Then pour in 2 gallons of water. Then leave it somewhere warm, stirring 3 times a day. Sieve the excess material with a stocking and feed to your plants.

Also great as a foliar spray.

People don't try this.
Haha. Use it as a foliar spray.


Well-Known Member
I hear that crackhead guano is the bomb but sadly...extremely rare.
with the reduced food intake they have, id imagine crackhead guano is of the highest quality.

but no, dont poop on your plants. they stink enough already, you take a shit on them.... thats just bad juju. dont be cheap. get some miracle grow at the very least.


Well-Known Member
You might introduce Escherichia coli into the root system by using human feces...lemme guess, no ferts available where you live??? I hope your kidding about this and if you aren't...lemme know how it works out. Maybe you can start your very own line of nutes.


Active Member
I read this book once...

There was a part where the main character unknowingly ate strawberries that had been fertilized with human shit and they got so sick they almost died....true story

So if you want to smoke, get sick and almost on i suppose
authors are notoriously misinformed.. like saying cobwebs are flammable. They propagate myths as truth.