Human shit for fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
If you can regulate your diet as strictly as a peruvian sea bird (eat 1 thing and 1 thing only) you might be able to do it. Nutrient content is based on what goes in. The reason its so easy to use animal shit fertilizers is they have a well refined diet, with little variation.


Well-Known Member
Ummm..bad bacteria and parasites.. yuck. Sounds like the old night soil in Nam.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Could I use my shit to fertilize by plants? it may sound nasty but think of all the shit from animals that are used to fertilize your plants..
What you need to do is first shit into a bucket. Then pour in 2 gallons of water. Then leave it somewhere warm, stirring 3 times a day. Sieve the excess material with a stocking and feed to your plants.

Also great as a foliar spray.

People don't try this.


Well-Known Member
I swear anyone who has grown weed would already know the answer. Obviously this just a spectator or dreamer.


Wow, yea... So I while I wouldn't use, or suggest using human feces as a fertilizer for plants, many water treatment plants filter of the fecal matter and process it into urea, which IS fertilizer...

Also in a pinch you *can* use urine, which is also filled with, you guessed it, urea, as well as nitrogen(and a few others) in various forms, most readily ammonium nitrates.

These ferts must be diluted as they can easily burn your plants and I wouldn't suggest using that for anything you were going to call "medicine" and I definitely wouldn't use it upon entering flowering...

If you have any money though go get some real ferts, miracle grow is better than using your excrement.

Cheers, hope your Tastings aren't shitty!