Human poo as medium and piss as nutrients ?


Well-Known Member
science ? growing weed is like growing any plants. simply put: your shit = food. your piss = h20.

roots only take in chemicals not the actual smell and taste of your shit.

this could work. no doubt. just try getting past the mental barrier when you smoke it.

its like teachign sex ed to 8th graders...


Well-Known Member
I'm missing a few details. Are we talking Lumpy, Chunky, or Creamy cause you might want to add perlite. And what type of diet do you have to be on to adjust Ph? would Taco Bell make my PH to acidic?


Well-Known Member
I was going to clown, but you know what dude, go for it. If you can stomach the thought of your room smelling like your own piss and shit, and you want to smoke something that has been sucking up the toxins from your body for months. More power to you bro.
what do you mean? he wasnt going to smoke this shit..he was going to sell this shit...LOL:spew:i wonder if you can get hepititis or salmanila from smoking weed? like everyone was getting from workers shitting on their lettuce.?