Huge tax on recreational cannabis proposed.


Well-Known Member

So first
then another
lets not forget the state tax
and then any other local taxes
Looks like it will be cheaper to just renew my red card. I hope this money gets used correctly this time around and not squandered and lost. The same people who regulate MMJ are going to be responsible for collecting and distributing this money. The same people who were unable to account for millions of collected monies last year. Total failure with MMJ but sure let's let them have a go with the recreational funds.....


Well-Known Member
They should use the MMJ revenue to bring the USA out of debt...
Government fucks the budget, then fucks us with more taxing!


Taxes are fairly equivalent to tobacco, i feel not terribly high for what it is.
My opposition is of course the fact they are trying to tack a law onto this that if we don't accept the taxes (vote yes) then Amendment 64 will be repealed. Yes they claim that they will overturn the decision of over 1 million voters, if there is not a "yes" decision on not only taxes but these exact taxes.
Seriously time to write your senators and tell them not to allow this, as it is against the will of the voters.
Colorado lawmakers ...


Well-Known Member
Even if they charged $5000 per pound of weed grown or imported a years worth of revenue would last the government about 33 minutes. Taxing pot ain't gonna pay the debt.


Well-Known Member
~30% taxes> If the MJ cost less, there will be less taxes.
Now there will be a good reason to lower prices!


Well-Known Member
Taxes are fairly equivalent to tobacco, i feel not terribly high for what it is.
My opposition is of course the fact they are trying to tack a law onto this that if we don't accept the taxes (vote yes) then Amendment 64 will be repealed. Yes they claim that they will overturn the decision of over 1 million voters, if there is not a "yes" decision on not only taxes but these exact taxes.
Seriously time to write your senators and tell them not to allow this, as it is against the will of the voters.
Colorado lawmakers ...
Yeah, I've been following this development and ain't none too pleased. It has little chance of making to a ballot, but any chance is bullshit.

On the taxes, current proposed levels make it roughly equal to FED & state taxes on tobacco. So once Cannabis is legal at the Fed level expect the taxes to go up another 15 to 20%... IMHO. Only 2 certain things in life....