Huge PC case. Possible mother ship?


Well-Known Member
I have to be stealthy about my growing because my wife is pain in the ass about weed. So, I have been thinking of using this big old pc case I have. It seems like it would probably be big enough to keep at least one mother going so I don't have to hassle with buying seeds.




Well-Known Member
just to let you know, anyone in the house will know there is a grow going on.
if they know what weed smells like anyway


Well-Known Member
even with top of the line equipment for it, people will know a grow is going on.

stealth is a word that is tossed around lightly when it comes to growing, people use stealth to describe something that is overlooked at a glance, and with people living in the same place, there will be more than a glance


Well-Known Member
Don't try to deceive your wife, it makes for more drama than a man should have to deal with. Be up front with her and she might be ok.


Well-Known Member
All I had to tell my wife was:

"Well I can always go back to drinkin'..."

She cleans up my pipe, and brings be a bottle of water and a lighter, kisses me on the cheek, and tells me she's buying new shoes, since I got another eight.

Live goes on, and I'm down $130 every eight I buy (since she gets to spend the same amount of money...)

Long story short, I feel your pain bro...


Well-Known Member
Don't try to deceive your wife, it makes for more drama than a man should have to deal with. Be up front with her and she might be ok.

When I first got the idea to grow, I was completely honest with her. Unfortunately she completely flipped out. I really thought she would be cool with it.

So, I don't want to deceive her, but bud is very hard for me to find and I don't want to go without. I have another space already in the works for my main growing place very well hidden and I am taking my time to cover all the bases so nobody but me ever knows where it is.