Huge leaves!!! That might block light


Ok my plant has huge leaves on one stem an the other is starting to grow another set of leaves inbetween the main stem an the second stem so the top stem has the huge leaves so to I need to trim the leaves to let light get to them? If so how


Well-Known Member
You should not trim fan leaves if you want a healthy plant that produces big buds

those leaves are what makes the bud,,,,,,,,,,,,period

without them there is bud that will not be there for you to smoke

others will tell you to trim, you will get lots of different opinions

but in the end it is all about how much you expect from the plant and those big leaves are the engine that makes the plant grow

and while you see shade or what looks like no light getting thru, please remember the plant does not have eyes can't see shade and "perceives" light differently than we do, there is elements of needed light that are getting thru

But as I said it is up to you to decide how you will grow as well as what opinions you accept or believe???

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
From my own experience you should leave them on the plants. Like riddleme said you will sacrifice the plants be able to produce more smoke.

I trimmed the fan leaves off of a couple of plants as a trial and found good results I thought. I ended up trimming all the plants I had and stunted their growth significantly. I got about a third or quarter what I should have. If you are concerned about it see if you can bend the larger leaf under the smaller one. Then the bottom smaller leaf will get all the light it can and the larger leaf from the top will get the rest of the light.

My mumbo jumbo...
I feel from watching them grow for a number of years and growing myself for a couple harvests now, that each leaf is there to feed the; branch, bud, stem, or whatever else it may be growing off of. To cut it may do direct damage to its branch.


Well-Known Member
I only cut 1/2 the big fan leaves off 3 weeks before harvest, def helps lower bud sites harden up.