Huge Ice Storm...

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
Hmmm..not that kinda guess i'll stick with the freezer burn for now
wize choice,i used to live in washington the state,so ive had my share of cold,i think its 16f today.bundle up and ill put on my sun block.ha ha if its not one thing its another,dealing with weather

i here costa rica is nice and cheap


Active Member
guess gonna have to wait till i'm a senior citizan or rich..then become a snowbunny...till then i'll use my imgination and use costa rica as my happy plce

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'll try tomorrow...we have blizzard conditions today, and I just froze my ass off getting the stuff for Christmas dinner.


Well-Known Member
SoCal- About 2 days ago, we probably got about 2-3 feet of snow in one day. It was snowing HEAVY all day. I walked to my BF's house. lol. I know, I'm crazy. Basically a snow storm, for the first time in over 10 years here. We loved it though, because we never get enough snow to make snowmen, this time we did. Theres still a bunch of snow in our yard...its awesome. Snowball fights for 3 days straight. lol. We couldn't even take pictures because the camera kept saying "over exposure" lol. too much white. it was really pretty tho. Everyones leaves on their trees died.