Huge 4000sq ft. Grow Room Ideas


Well-Known Member
This is just begging for prison time, why do you think people rig up a number of houses instead of warehouses?

I say don't do it, no need to be greedy.

Have you even considered the logistics of getting rid of that amount of product? Have you a distribution network?


This is just begging for prison time, why do you think people rig up a number of houses instead of warehouses?

I say don't do it, no need to be greedy.

Have you even considered the logistics of getting rid of that amount of product? Have you a distribution network?

That's where I'm stuck. I believe growing all of it is obtainable but I have no idea how to move all that product. Before I just knew a couple of dealers ,but I was watching the union and they talked about "brokers" so I would first need to find a broker willing to do all the legwork of moving it for me. I also live in a state with legalized medical so that might help if I can tap into the dispensary business.


That's where I'm stuck. I believe growing all of it is obtainable but I have no idea how to move all that product. Before I just knew a couple of dealers ,but I was watching the union and they talked about "brokers" so I would first need to find a broker willing to do all the legwork of moving it for me. I also live in a state with legalized medical so that might help if I can tap into the dispensary business.
Dude, theres a number of problems.

#1 There's no way you can handle a grow that big by yourself.
#2 Once you start hiring trimmers and people, things get risky.
#3 You will have to buy at least a $15,000 (used) $40,000 (new) generator.
#4 These generators are loud as fuck, I know personally.
#5 You will have to buy enormous amounts of diesel fuel. This will require a truck with an in-bed fuel tank. You will also have to perform all maintenance by yourself.
#6 If you don't have the connects to move weight, you're in trouble. Often times, if you're not "in the game," the only guys willing to do business will rape you on price.

I could go on, but man, don't do it.

I recently bumped up from 4x1000w to 8x1000w and its a fair amount of work for me.

Start smaller, maybe 500 square feet, and see how you can handle it. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this guy's thinking way too big. Especially for someone that doesn't have the experience or connections necessary.
no electric power means no grow. forget solar power you will never get the required wattage.
you would need to use a generator like the one pictured thats purpose is to run huge building sites, and the geny can kick out a huge amount of ampage to run your hps lamps and run on industrial (red) tax free diesel.
and they can be hired or bought.

secondly use the basement first, it is colder down there.

thirdly you are going to need a shitload of cash.

fourthly you will need to think how many lights down there and so how much cooling power from a fan/fans/cooler humidifier/a.c. you will also need to be able to draw in copious amounts of air for the plants, drawing the air in from the ground level and exhausting the smelly warm air out up a chimney/or/vent or window.
think amount of lights/watts verus amount of cooling.

hey weelogs i also have looked into these generators but then i looked at the fuel consumption and worked out roughly
for a 100kw generator which at full capacity can run 100. 1000watt lights but it uses 7.4 gallons (33.6 litres) per hour now i dont know where u live but where i live even red diesel costs around 80cents per litre so that adds up to about 27 euro an hour times that by 18 hours each day and it will cost you around 480 euros a day thats up to 3300 a week now if you vegged for a month that would add up to around 100.000 euros to power 100 thousand watt lights now off corse my number arent dead on but i asure you there pretty dam close give or take a thousand or two lol now i dont know how much money silverbub has got but in my opinion that is a hell of a lot of money to spend each week in fuel and thats just the start of your costs now i dont know what fuel prices are with you but in my country it would cost a hell of a lot of money lol
to run 100 thousand watt lights u would need a 100kw generator but look in to fuel consumption i looked at it and a 100 kw generator at full capacity uses around 7.4 gallons (33.6 litres) an hour that is a hell of a lot of fuel and then times that by 18 hours each day and then times it by the cost of fuel in your area and there you have your total cost of fuel each day (during veg off course) and i think its going to be a lot of money
i suggest u look at fuel prices in your area before u go and buy a generator

sorry dude not trying to be negative but ive looked in to this option myself and worked out that in my country its hardly worth it almost half of the profits would go on fuel and its not going to get cheaper, prices are only going to rise with the current oil crisis and energy prices.
soon with these energy prices the only way to make money out of weed is to smuggle it from countrys where they grow it out side

i only grow a little bit for myself now ive got two 600watt lights and even that i worked out in my country it is costing me almost 20 pence an hour (3.60 per day in veg) (2.40 in flower) it soon adds up trust me lol


Well-Known Member
Also if dealers think you're a one man show with that much product available at all times, at some stage gonna probably need to shoot someone to defend it.

Dealers are notorious for wanting a quick buck, and you'd be easy pickings. Just a warning.


Dude, theres a number of problems.

#1 There's no way you can handle a grow that big by yourself.
#2 Once you start hiring trimmers and people, things get risky.
#3 You will have to buy at least a $15,000 (used) $40,000 (new) generator.

#4 These generators are loud as fuck, I know personally.
#5 You will have to buy enormous amounts of diesel fuel. This will require a truck with an in-bed fuel tank. You will also have to perform all maintenance by yourself.
#6 If you don't have the connects to move weight, you're in trouble. Often times, if you're not "in the game," the only guys willing to do business will rape you on price.

I could go on, but man, don't do it.

I recently bumped up from 4x1000w to 8x1000w and its a fair amount of work for me.

Start smaller, maybe 500 square feet, and see how you can handle it. Seriously.
Answers to problems 1-6

#1 - I have a long time friend(s) to help out or hire a professional grower
#2 - Automatic trimming machine such as the tumbleweed
#3- Ok ill just buy the generator and it will be payed for in the first harvest
#4 - It's on a rural prperty enclosed in a sound proofed shed/locker
#5 - I'll get the truck and buy red-diesel that is really cheap like 2.50 a gallon in bulk.
#6 - I'm not sure yet any help would be welcome ,but I would most likely just sell to a broker or dispensaries. Do you think I could get 2k-2.5k a pound if it is better than average stuff

I'll lower my expectation and work up to this scale


Also if dealers think you're a one man show with that much product available at all times, at some stage gonna probably need to shoot someone to defend it.

Dealers are notorious for wanting a quick buck, and you'd be easy pickings. Just a warning.
They would have no idea where all the product was I would use a stash house. Plus I'll defend my plants with lots of security feature and with force but hopefully not the latter of the two. But I appreciate your warning.


hey weelogs i also have looked into these generators but then i looked at the fuel consumption and worked out roughly
for a 100kw generator which at full capacity can run 100. 1000watt lights but it uses 7.4 gallons (33.6 litres) per hour now i dont know where u live but where i live even red diesel costs around 80cents per litre so that adds up to about 27 euro an hour times that by 18 hours each day and it will cost you around 480 euros a day thats up to 3300 a week now if you vegged for a month that would add up to around 100.000 euros to power 100 thousand watt lights now off corse my number arent dead on but i asure you there pretty dam close give or take a thousand or two lol now i dont know how much money silverbub has got but in my opinion that is a hell of a lot of money to spend each week in fuel and thats just the start of your costs now i dont know what fuel prices are with you but in my country it would cost a hell of a lot of money lol
I live in the USA. The price for red diesel is around 2.50 in bulk so a lot cheaper than I would imagine in Europe.


This is just begging for prison time, why do you think people rig up a number of houses instead of warehouses?

I say don't do it, no need to be greedy.

Have you even considered the logistics of getting rid of that amount of product? Have you a distribution network?
Not a bad Idea to spread it out into multiple locations but It just seems easier and less risky to have it all in one spot. I know they say don't keep all your eggs in one basket ,but controlling the environment would be easier and centralizing labor and product lowers the risk.


Well-Known Member
larger grows like this often take place is old condemned buildings .. we even had one here that popped up in a hotel that had closed for renovations
the amount of power needed for these large grows is possibly the hardest aspect to deal with and hide
these sort of grows require meticulous planning or you will end up doing big jail time
you really dont need a huge garden to make lots of money if you plan it well and play the longer game harvest 6 times per year ... if you want to become rich from 1 crop, that is a pipe dream dude with huge risk
to avoid all that huge power consumption in Holland they manage to pull off some huge outdoor grows in the summer months using auto dark greenhouse type systems to force them to flower during summer , but then again growing outdoors brings with it another set of risks .. but we can all dream :)


Well-Known Member
You're still talking over $17 an hour just for power.

I think you're living in a dream world to be honest,and that's not me being harsh,it's being realistic.

Even IF you manage to get it all going, there's no way without a bigtime dealer you'll be able to clear it all.

I don't think you understand quite the level and nature of work involved.

You have a stash house? How you gonna get it there? It's all those little questions you need to ask yourself.
I live in the USA. The price for red diesel is around 2.50 in bulk so a lot cheaper than I would imagine in Europe.
ok fair point but it would still cost you about $15 an hour to run a hundred lights (1000watt) thats around $270 each day in veg (1900 each week of veg) i know you would probarly get it back from the grow but its still a fair bit of money to put up front but if you hav got it then happy days but you wouldnt want to run out of fuel and money in the middle of the grow that would be a right kick in the teeth pmsl.
but what i want to know is how these people do huge comercial grows it in the middle of a town and how do they power there grow room because im sure if your running for example 20 thousand watt lights shorly that going to draw attention?but ive seen it done and thats without a generator. now im sure if i put that number of lights in my grow room im sure the cops would be here with in five minutes lol.


Active Member
Everybody here has been talking about the problem of getting power and that is definitely a big problem. I'm not trying to discourage you, I sincerely hope and believe you can do this, but this is more difficult than what 99% of the people here could accomplish. Now, you have a problem of water as well. Mainly how to get so much of it. I'm assuming if it doesn't have electricity it also doesn't have the necessary water for this project. Assuming 50 reservoirs @ 80 gallons each, this is 4000 gallons of water that needs to be drained, and changed every 2 weeks. You can't simply drain onto the floor because that would cause your humidity to shoot up and you'd get mildew and scrap the harvest. This means you have to pump the water out. So either you spend an entire day individually pumping out water, or you put a drain pump in every single reservoir. This is the least of your problems.

4000 gallons of water means you either get a commercial grade pump and hose to pump into your reservoirs from a nearby water supply, or you get it trucked in every two weeks.

Oh yea, this is also going to require 3,420 liters of nutrient solution every two weeks.


Well-Known Member
He's also not gonna have any time to do any of the other necessary logistics cos even with a petrol-powered trimmer its still gonna take ALL your time just to trim.

It's nice to dream big,but it's still only a dream.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I make a living burning diesel fuel....Where I live off road fuel is 3.50 per will go broke with generators...I have a 40kw gen and a 500hp kt 1150 cummings that run all the time...and I burn 225 gL A DAY....change oil every 200hrs...and will go broke in a hurry....