HTGL's AeroEndeavor

Whattup Growheads,
Let me start out that though I have zero experience growing hydroponically, I am on my 4th year of successful outdoor medical growing. That being said, I've been scouring the forums collecting knowledge, preparing for the capability to grow year round. Though I am far from starting my ideal indoor grow setup, I stumbled upon something that might whet my appetite for the time being. A broken aerogarden.

One of my workmates was getting rid of his wife's broken aerogarden. She had grown countertop basil in it for a few months, then it mysteriously quit working. Not wanting to see the thing tossed, I volunteered to take it off their hands.

When I got it home, I examined it thoroughly to see what sort of damage it may have taken. Not seeing any visual damage, I plugged it in. The lights would flicker then that would be it. No pump, no option lights, nothing. After some research, it appeared that the pump may have shorted, causing a break in power to the rest of the components. The pump not working was no big deal, as I picked up an air stone and pump to remedy that. I had a figure 8 power cord in my misc. cord pile, so I plugged it in and BAM, I had lights.

So with the aero lights, an extra shop cfl, a fan, air stone and pump, the only thing left needed was nuts and seeds. My friend gave me a bunch of AG nutes. Yeah, yah I've heard their no good, but after all this was an experiment so I would start with them. Perhaps we'll switch up later.

I was pretty set on auto flowering seeds, but after a bit of suckering on my outdoor Purple Trainwrecks, I decided to attempt to clone them. Here is what I have so far

The one in the middle has been in the AG for 8 days on 24 hour light. Once again experimenting with 24/0 opposed to 18/6. It started with 2 small leaves and seems to be doing quite well. Also notice the clone was slightly in flower when it was cut. The other 2 clones I put in the AG 2 days ago. The older one is starting to root nicely as well.

Updates to come soon.:leaf:


Active Member
Looks nice.
Im a fan of Aerogardens. I just started a couple seeds in my AG EXTRA on 8/12. This is my 2nd grow using AG, last time was the AG3. Im still not completely sure on how to put clones in though.
I'll be following this.
I did recently have success using this method for cloning.

I used the standard cloning method of a 45 degree cut under water, then scraped the outer layer away off the first couple of inches. After 2 weeks of being in the bottle and sitting outside in moderate sun/shade, the cuttings had about 1" roots. I then transplanted them to soil in pots. They were a Sativa strain, a friend called Skywalker. They flourished and are now big healthy plants. Not sure if there would be any difference in that method from putting them straight into the AG, but I know that way it developed roots in hydro and could survive being transplanted to the AG.


Active Member
Im just not sure how to get the clone into the AG sponge. Would you just slice the sponge down the side, set the stem in (after scraping), then close it and put it back in the pod? If so, would it need cloning gel? I dunno, Id like to know how to do it so I wouldnt have to start from seed every grow, speed things up.
I would say that would work, or check out the other mediums such as rock wool and CocoTek.

I have pretty good luck without rooting solution.
Little 4 day update, just because I've seen some good growth. I trimmed back the old leaves from the two new babies. They didnt look as healthy as the new growth and looked to be on there way out. The middle one has really put on some good veg and root growth.

Update. Got back from a 3 day vacation to see substantial root and vegative growth. Also picked up another 60watt grow bulb, PH tester and Earth Juice Bloom. My tentative plan is to keep it vegging for another week then switch it to 12/12 light and the EJ.



Active Member
That does look like a bit more growth in comparison. It seems very "un-uniformed." Is that because it was a clone?

I started this seed on 8/12. These pics were taken 9/1. 12/12 from seed.
I'm not sure what is causing that. I imagine it probably has something to do with me taking the clone from a flowering plant. I'm not sure at this point if I should trim it back some or let I keep growing into the bush it is starting too.

Your plants look good, it will be interesting to compare them as our grows progress. Do you have a thread going?


Active Member
No thread. Its only 1 plant (2 angles). I planted 2 seed but 1 didnt take. If youd like I'll post updated pics in here so we can compare and contrast (hehe).


Active Member
Most definitely, man.
Sounds good.

Here she is, just about 4 weeks from seed.
(started seed 8/12, pics taken 9/8

1 Bag seed. Im assuming INDICA because shes much more small and stout than my last (1st) grow. 12/12 from seed.
Added air pump and airstone on 9/1. Also added a 150w cfl clamp light on 9/1. Using XNUTRIENTS (had success using it last time and still have enough of the free sample to at least finish this grow.)