HSO's Blue Dream(one plant outdoors)

Yeah i ordered 10 reg panama from CBG and ordered 5 fem orient express(vietnam black x chinese yunnun) from ace seeds. That panama is pure amazement, definitely a sativa hashplant. The OE is a very high yielding SE asian with a nice happy floaty sativa high, the panama has 2 pheno's, the red and the green. the green has a more sativa up high and the red pheno is more of a stony sativa more from the 70's.
I apologize to any of my followers! I 've posted pics, written volumes of words to reply to you guys..I go hit enter and it all just disappears to a blank screen; upon hitting the back button, it's all gone and 'restore content' and nothing....and I am just not gonna retype it all again, what must be about 5 times now. Pics are in my album----I don't know what's wrong, what I am doing wrong, been on here for well over an hour again tonight. Yeah, RH out there is currently about 95%, so far all's good, knock on wood....and I don't think it broke 60F today.... I may try again another time, at another time...I put a Holy Grail 69(Samsara) rescued from the rain, which has been over 2" the past two days....she's holding good too. Pics in m album. I cant even indent for paragraphs..............Again, very sorry 'bout this...peace, gman
I am surprised it let me post that---so I'll try a pic
^^^^---oh, one at a time?? That's Samsara's Holy Grail 69. I had her down on my lower property and got her up here before the rain started the other day.....
These were from about noon today and it's 11 pm now, so RH is way +++ of that....it's 51F right now as well.........
Blue Dream
they're fattening up a bit. Got fans blowing up under her(no heat) and the PM is under control---->did pick off a spot of rott this morning, and afraid that's what's gonna happen here on out. Should make oil out of her...no time though
That HolyGrail is only in a 5 gallon container...and not nuted for quite some time....was using it for clones I sent out and then actually did feed her with the run-off from my indoor coco run a few times, lol. Sorry this is all in one paragraph.....most of my key don't work when I am on this site for some reason....will try to get it figured out when I have time; and really would rather go read more of Mo's thread:mrgreen: Just tried paragraphing using html, nada.......hey, my post counts getting up there if nothing else. Peace!
That holy grail 69 is looking very nice and frosty with some maturing pistils coming through but damn those lows! 47 is not the best of lows.
Hope they pull through all good, is there ways to help the plants resistance against budrot? maybe shake the plants after rain and in the morning or could you possibly have a fan on them after the rain stops?. Also keep us updated on the holy grail

all the best mate,
That holy grail 69 is looking very nice and frosty with some maturing pistils coming through but damn those lows! 47 is not the best of lows.
Hope they pull through all good, is there ways to help the plants resistance against budrot? maybe shake the plants after rain and in the morning or could you possibly have a fan on them after the rain stops?. Also keep us updated on the holy grail

all the best mate,
Hi there kiwi!! You haven't given up on me, lol! These two plants are both up on my deck under cover......and it's raining right now too, :o and I am sure the RH is WAY up there too. It's currently 49F at 5:55am.....geez, only 68F in the house....better get the fire going. I don't think there are any ways to completely eliminate/prevent the bud rott but I could be very wrong and should research it asap. I do keep the fans going on them and they are treated for PM and that is under control. I've said I don't want to spend any $$ on helping these gals, but I may if there's another preventative....I find out about. Heat would be real nice! I'd run some space heaters out there, but as you can tell, my deck is open to the air up above 6' and on the ends and any added heat would be blown right out of there.... Looking at the forecasts for the next week it's only going to make the mid 60's and a bit warmer after that(maybe:-(). I may make a few calls this morning to see if I can get them indoors somewhere....they're looking pretty good to just let go to the elements, as I was gonna..........in fact I may get on that here in a few minutes...........
I always respect northern/southern growers outdoor because of the conditions they have to go through(same for me in nz),

Yeah right now for me it has been non stop rain since saturday, we got 28mm yesterday. Mid 60's isn't actually too bad bro, WHAT! lol Id call 68 degrees hot for inside the house that early! even in the day that's a very comfortable temp for me. At least you have the opportunity to have plants outside to tend to, over here in nz most of us have to plant in the bush with protection from possums and when it rains, it can turn into a real shit storm with the rain on a binge for over a week. Don't lose faith in your plants man, anything under 60 then bring the inside but mid 60's is still safe and anything below 45 and you might start having some problems. You have some pretty long flowering plants for your latitude, next year you should get some canadian genetics. Hell they grow in BC with great results- gotta give you some hope. you can get strains that finish at the end of august!.Believe in your plants man and they will return the favour.
So you are in Washington State?

Yea i also have high humidity between 1am-8am my humidity goes from 60% to 80% which if you walk outside doesnt feel humid at all.

I have lots of wind so i think that helps in my situation.
Yo, kiwi, they're calling for 39F for the area I am in----->but @ 1am now it's still 49, so I don't see that happening, albeit probably 44-45? Yeah, and I had to pick a couple of nugs off the BD this morning that were showing signs of rott. I hadn't been expecting this cold, this early, and were well below out normal averages---go figure.... If I knew somebody to take these off my hands right now and turn to oil or something, or like get them in a good enviourment, they could have them... I am now not expecting them to progress much further.<p> I am quite familiar with our local BC strains and the indicas that do well out here-----it was never my intent to keep these other than for clones, so I know they're not fast finishers or very resistant to this climates events..... Next season I will plan to run some outdoor gear and I am planning a greenhouse as well---possibly just a hoop house, idk. Remember--Washington Skunk.........Hey, you have any new pics of your guerilla girls?? It's sounding like you could run into rott issues yourself??--->or do they dry out quickly after the rains?
So you are in Washington State?

Yea i also have high humidity between 1am-8am my humidity goes from 60% to 80% which if you walk outside doesnt feel humid at all.

I have lots of wind so i think that helps in my situation.
Hey there, Toka!! Yes, to answer your question---I am on The Peninsula in The South Sound area. The RH has been CRAZY this past few weeks for sure. I peeked at your pics and you must be in the Eastern half of the state? Winds and all. Or OR? You have quite the garden! I am completely an indoor guy; well, not if 'we' count these, lol. I recognize your cherry pie. Whose cut of BD is that and same for the gsc, if you don't mind my asking?? Anyway, thanks for checking this out; it may end real quick with these RH and COLD issues adding up> peace, gman:bigjoint:
The Blue Dream cut came from Colorado its the sativa dom one , and the GSC cut came from San Fran in Cali.
damn 39 will start to turn brutal, repeated low 40's will take its toll also. budrot sucks man, its up there with spidermites. http://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/outdoor-garden-conservatory/greenhouses/auction-640958182.htm something like this will be very nice for you. If you get something like this or a hoop house, you can start pulling some serious results.
Search in google: tropical seed company and look at their Ciskei strain(originally bushman from Herbaria seeds), It is the fastest flowering landrace sativa strain on the planet with some serious results- it is out of stock at the moment but I emailed them and they're releasing it again in November, Its one of those rare gems you don't wont to miss out on.
If you're talking to me I don't have any outdoor at the moment only an auto started a week ago but I have plenty of outdoor gems a plan to get going soon, Hopefully a malawi and maybe a taskenti also if I can get my hands on the ciskei I might do a late outdoor but the trouble is finding somewhere to plant because my country is viscious. The season is starting a month and a half early this year, last season we were getting 20c highs in may!. Rot can be a mofo around here so we tend to stay with sativa or short flowering indicas, on average we can grow until the first or second week of may with 17-19c highs with 7-10c lows I think. Also check this very nice poly tunnel http://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/outdoor-garden-conservatory/greenhouses/auction-643175089.htm, Its water proof and has zip down windows for the sunny days. If you had one of those you could pull some serious poundage with lst'ing.
Yeah, those poly houses are way nice for sure, kiwi! That would do the trick for me about now, lol! I do have a cali Redwood octagon framed house that's 13' x 13' that needs a roof built for it. It's a ton of real nice glass too and I got it used with the intention of framing another rectangle house with it. The I had my 'injuries' and haven't been able to do a lot of work, so it's been sitting stacked in panels...for a few years. I do plan to do something with it this winter(start working on it) and use it next year. <p> It got up to 64F today and 33% RH....and is already down to 55F at 8:30pm.....so upper 40's over-night. And now comes the rains for another week. I have a guy that's suppose to be here tomorrow and we may try to move these to his garage, is the next plan, but idk; risky moving them and having them fall apart.....until I accept the fact their just gonna rott where they are. <p> No, I thought you had posted some pics of outdoor ladies you had, must have been Mo. I am going to get off of here and check out those seeds you said may be available in Nov...sounds real cool, and like something you gotta get in line for... thanks for the tip!!, and thanks for the links too----I think we have similar houses available here at Harbor Freight or Northern Tool.... I need to get to my other computer so I can edit these paragraphs, or lack thereof, lol! Sorry! Hey have a great night/day---must be morning there?? :mrgreen: gman
The Blue Dream cut came from Colorado its the sativa dom one , and the GSC cut came from San Fran in Cali.
Well, they are looking nice! I 've avoided the sativas mainly due to my height issues indoors....I like 'em about 3-4 ft off the medium. I do plan to try some quicker sat's next season, especially if I get some set up that I can do/try some light depravation----seems to have been the hit around here this year and getting two harvests, lol. I am in the middle of harvesting a few HSO BlueDreams and they seemed to have lost a lot of their sweet smell they past couple of weeks---really hoping to get some of it back in the cure. We have a local bd named 'snoops cut' that is just the most awesome sweet bb smell---it just didn't like my abuse topping, fimming, and tieing down, and it is a stretcher of mass amounts(for me).
Yeah man i'm definitely gonna get some sort of protection for my outdoor in the near future to really grow some long flowers. 13' x 13' sounds like a very good size
and glass will be they way to go man for sure. I think next year will be your year for outdoor and you will turn into an outdoor man rather than an indoor :bigjoint:.
sounds like my average May temps but at least the RH is down. Imo just leave them their until they die or start to seriously rot, nothing wrong wit them being pulled
a little but early, by the looks of the holy grail- it will still be very decent but the BD still looks a bit young. Na those pics were just examples of the strains i've recently bought, they're from ICmag memebers/breeders. Yeah a short flowering African landrace is something magical. Also I would highly, highly recommend Orient Express(chinese yunnun landrace x Vietnam black landrace) from Ace seeds(if I haven't mentioned it already) for your indoors. It is a 60/40 sat/indi that is their highest yielding strain with a nice happy social high. here's a pic
user72877_pic567219_1293597390.jpgI think you would like the short bushy chinese pheno(50% of plants), or theres the medium mixture pheno(30% of plants, and there the extreme vietnamese pheno(20%) very tall. cheers bro you too, whatever the time is on rollitup, it is the time for me because i'm at the start of the date line. you must be 15 or so hours behind?
Now were in for a good week of windy rain.. Currently 1:20pm, 54F, RH 90%.............winds should be starting this early evening.....and haven't heard from the guy that was thinking to rescue these plants.....pics are from yesterday.....
Here's today----and truly expecting rot. No signs of it yet really. Hopefully tomorrow I can come up with something. It's pouring out there now and the gauge-shot was from about 4pm.