HSO Chemdawg: How legit?

How legit are Humboldt Seed Organization's Fem'd Chemdawg/Chemdog seeds?

  • True descent.

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • Fake/Bank-proprietary

    Votes: 16 61.5%

  • Total voters
Risk looking stupid in a market I'm sure is blowing up. Easy we need more c hemdawg seeds ... shit were out ... ahh yeah we got 400 more bluedawg he he he c hemdawg.
Risk looking stupid in a market I'm sure is blowing up. Easy we need more c hemdawg seeds ... shit were out ... ahh yeah we got 400 more bluedawg he he he c hemdawg.
That would be stupid. They wouldn't use one of their other lines to fill in on an out of stock line, they mark it as out of stock.
HSO best send you promo seeds for going on about them. You must be a seed rep spinning free advertising.
You know me. Been working for HSO since 1862.

I just think you're all too sensitive. Clone only is going to go bye-bye now that it's coming out of the underground. I suspect this is the reason legit genetics are more easy to come by than you guys are willing to admit, lest your cut not be special. Like I said, if any of you guys can get a cut, a bank can get one easier.
Funny one post of the package which I admire , was creative .. But like I posted more useful info on there product pictures and smell .. very berry smelling. Which isn't chem at all , hence when the product/money comes to a still some company's will lie.
When you say bank, for some reason I think you mean breeder. By saying breeder, I mean grower/breeder. Is a breeder the same as a "bank".
Funny one post of the package which I admire , was creative .. But like I posted more useful info on there product pictures and smell .. very berry smelling. Which isn't chem at all , hence when the product/money comes to a still some company's will lie.
HSO Chemdawg doesn't smell berry, itS profile is pine, lemon, diesel as Chemdawg is known to be. This is reported by every grow journal I see.
Right... it's growers with good connects that have cutting only strains. plenty of them are being circulated. Breeders are essentially just specialized growers.

If there's little reason to believe that a decent seed company, like HSO, wouldn't have legitimate cuttings to begin with, then why start the thread in the first place? Hmm, kinda suspect buddy. I smell a seed rep. Just kidding but I wouldn't go around bragging about a 150 I.Q. or any shit like that lol :) :leaf:

I know... you just wanted feedback for your dollar and maybe a free t-shirt from HSO.


Interesting observation, btw, about cutting only strains falling by wayside with advent of legalization.
Right... it's growers with good connects that have cutting only strains. plenty of them are being circulated. Breeders are essentially just specialized growers.

If there's little reason to believe that a decent seed company, like HSO, wouldn't have legitimate cuttings to begin with, then why start the thread in the first place? Hmm, kinda suspect buddy. I smell a seed rep. Just kidding but I wouldn't go around bragging about a 150 I.Q. or any shit like that lol :) :leaf:

I know... you just wanted feedback for your dollar and maybe a free t-shirt from HSO.


Interesting observation, btw, about cutting only strains falling by wayside with advent of legalization.
I was more curious about what generation. That was it. I don't care to hear any speculation based solely off of personal emotions causing people to speak nonsense with nothing to evidence what they're saying and every bit of evidence I'm finding is agaonst what the naysayers are saying.
HSO Chemdawg doesn't smell berry, itS profile is pine, lemon, diesel as Chemdawg is known to be. This is reported by every grow journal I see.
Six weeks since flip , very berry smell , just posting on the hso chemdawg feminized 3 seed pack first run.

Smells like a keeper !
this guy says its berry smelling. He's obviously not out to lie to everyone. As a breeder I could go on and on about things but I won't. Not any "common person" can just go get any elite cut they want. Some ppl would like to see that happen and are though, but the majority of the people who find these elites don't sell clones. They gift them, and trade. Now in the case of most clones, somewhere along the lines ppl sell them, and then some become common like gorilla glue #4, so common in fact that no shop cares to buy your gg4 at times even because the markets become that flooded with it. That is why breeders breed seeds, and work lines. Unless you worked your Chem lines, you will not have identical or even similar plants pheno to pheno typically. Even stardawg (Chem 4 x tres dawg) is very unstable. One to the next is night and day even different. The f2 gen is even more unstable and has some crap in them too. But what would I know with 20+ years experience hey?
It's really weird how you prefer to think I'm an HSO rep rather than just trying to dispell the heap of bullshit that people pass out amongst each other sometimes on the site. I mean, more importantly, if people are going to contradict, at least have something truly evident than loose and subjective shit like "It just wasn't the same!"
this guy says its berry smelling. He's obviously not out to lie to everyone. As a breeder I could go on and on about things but I won't. Not any "common person" can just go get any elite cut they want. Some ppl would like to see that happen and are though, but the majority of the people who find these elites don't sell clones. They gift them, and trade. Now in the case of most clones, somewhere along the lines ppl sell them, and then some become common like gorilla glue #4, so common in fact that no shop cares to buy your gg4 at times even because the markets become that flooded with it. That is why breeders breed seeds, and work lines. Unless you worked your Chem lines, you will not have identical or even similar plants pheno to pheno typically. Even stardawg (Chem 4 x tres dawg) is very unstable. One to the next is night and day even different. The f2 gen is even more unstable and has some crap in them too. But what would I know with 20+ years experience hey?
The guy is THE ONLY PERSON to describe it as berry, out of the net-wide search I've done, therefore he did not grow an HSO Chemdawg seed. Closest to berry I have seen is "slightly pineapple"
I don't think that's the case. I expect if a seed bank is going to market a strain down to the phenotype, they're going to do it correctly or risk looking really stupid.
I've caught them with bullshit on my own stuff. Like strawberry stardawg saying it was this heavy potent strain lol. Ok, I know I didn't say that and I bred the seeds. So yes they do make up shit, because the ppl who end up looking stupid are the ones fighting about them, not the banks. Seed banks are as crooked as a politician from my experiences with most.
I've caught them with bullshit on my own stuff. Like strawberry stardawg saying it was this heavy potent strain lol. Ok, I know I didn't say that and I bred the seeds. So yes they do make up shit, because the ppl who end up looking stupid are the ones fighting about them, not the banks. Seed banks are as crooked as a politician from my experiences with most.
I think you're paranoid and misanthropic.
So your shit wasn't heavy and potent? Are you sure that's not your fault? And that aside, that description is subjective. Doesn't mean you didn't get what you ordered.