HPS vs Metal Halide


Hey guys, I'm in the making of a new setup right now and I am looking for some feedback on your opinions on HPS and MH lighting. Is a MH setup worth it vs CFL? What is more efficent? Lighting scheduel?


Well-Known Member
Well if you are not having temp issues then I would go with HID lighting, depending on your growing methods you can decide whether you require a HPS and/or MH lamp.

Most growers tend to use MH for veg and HPS for flower, if you cannot get both then I would go with a HPS lamp; I have had much better results flowering with HPS then MH.

IMHO the best light cycle for veg is 18/6 or 16/8, and you know what is required for flowering.



Well-Known Member
+1 to what ru4r34l said. Also, if you can grab a 6500k MH. Standard MH bulbs don't have a high enough spectrum IMO for proper veg growth.


Well-Known Member
In my experience there is not that great of a differance in veg. The only thing for me is that I've already got a box set up and sealed with a ballast that runs MH/HPS and I don't have to rig up some fancy jig in order to get cfls in there so I just run MH for veg and HPS for flower but I think if you worked the CFLs well you would be just fine. It all depends on you. Honestly with = wattage in CFL vs MH because it's going to cost just about exactly the same with MH pulling barely ahead in productivity! The choice is yours! Don't pick bulbasaur. He blows!


Well-Known Member
Well if you are not having temp issues then I would go with HID lighting, depending on your growing methods you can decide whether you require a HPS and/or MH lamp.

Most growers tend to use MH for veg and HPS for flower, if you cannot get both then I would go with a HPS lamp; I have had much better results flowering with HPS then MH.

IMHO the best light cycle for veg is 18/6 or 16/8, and you know what is required for flowering.

I love your avatar!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm in the making of a new setup right now and I am looking for some feedback on your opinions on HPS and MH lighting. Is a MH setup worth it vs CFL? What is more efficent? Lighting scheduel?
Hi bro!
I would say MH over cfl anytime for the veg stage, cfl's are good for seedlings and young clones but you could put them under MH and you will get results faster...as for flowering deffo go with the HPS, good thing is with the HPS is that you can use this all the way through veg & flower and get great results...basically your just immatating nature. With the MH its spring and summer days, with the HPS its autumn and winter time. Hope this helps!


So you think that veggin with CFL and flowering with HPS would be my best choice if I couldnt get a MH lamp?


Well-Known Member
Def! My first run was with CFL for veg and HPS for flower and they did really well under the CFLs. Not too much a difference between MH and CFL for me but I had mad wattage! Actually nah I didn't. CFLs are great if you're on a budget or you can't access a MH but noting beats the HPS for flower.


I will most definitely run HPS for flower! How many watts would you say I need (ten plants) of CFL's? HPS?

Thanks so much for the knowledge!


Hi bro!
I would say MH over cfl anytime for the veg stage, cfl's are good for seedlings and young clones but you could put them under MH and you will get results faster...as for flowering deffo go with the HPS, good thing is with the HPS is that you can use this all the way through veg & flower and get great results...basically your just immatating nature. With the MH its spring and summer days, with the HPS its autumn and winter time. Hope this helps!
So you ran MH and HPS for veg?


Well-Known Member
I will most definitely run HPS for flower! How many watts would you say I need (ten plants) of CFL's? HPS?

Thanks so much for the knowledge!
What size is your room, your room size and environment SHOULD decide your plant count and lighting needs.



Well-Known Member
You could prolly get away with 4 1ks... lol You got mad space if you got cooltubes or vented hoods you can put a lot of wattage in that room. I wish I had that kinda space.


Well-Known Member
MH for vegetation and HPS for Flowering.The Mh will keep the plants short yet bushy more horizontal growth than vertical.Some people like to veg with Cfls because they think the light/heat will kill their plants and a waste of energy.Cfls (alternative) can cause stretching and slower growth if not close enough,because the light intensity is weak.The Hps on the
other hand can be be used in used in VEG but is not recommended if you have a small space and trying to keep plants at a short height but is great for flowering.