
Well-Known Member
I have been working on a LED grow box for a few months. I can get the plants to veg ok using blue Leds, 100 LEDs per plant but when I switch to flower the plants start getting retarded, leaves curling, growing upside down ect. I will say 3 26w CFLs kick the crap out of my 300 LEDs for veg but the LEDs are running at 2.2volts at 15 miliamps, can some one figur watts for me? The problem with building your own is the matching blue/red/orange light bands. I don't have the right mix in mine. I have a friend that is growing on 100% LED's 4x4 SOG and he running 15w x 7 bulbs and they do make some tight dense buds. I am a hobbiest, he is a pro thus unlimited funds, he paid 100 per bulb for his.