
Active Member
in this months issue of high times there is an article about LED lighting taking over HPS for best grow lights. I'm not sure if I agree about this, the LED lights are more expensive but use less electricity but it seems like the HPS light systems would yield more. anyone have any experience comparing results using LED and HPS?


Well-Known Member
LED's are not good enough yet.

I can see in the next couple of years they will get a lot better but right now they are not as good as HID. And seriously they are WAY too expensive. Like that UFO LED light, no way I would pay $300 for that thing!


Well-Known Member
Lol dont make us laugh. like DoW said, maybe in a couple of years or so. :D not ATM tho. Dont waste your hard earned money on UFO, you will be angry and dissapointed!

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Its still a fair few years off LEDs taking the place of HPS but im all for less power costs if I can still get the same results :mrgreen:

But im not gonna hold my breath lol


Active Member
No one ever specifies what kind of LED. Tri band is suppose to be the shit but it's a new technology so few people have tried it. I agree that the bl/rd leds definitely suck but articles keep saying they need to refine the technology well they did with the tri band UFO. Is that one any good?

PS I just heard my hydro system click on to water :) always brings a smile to my face


Well-Known Member
Actually from what I believe you can get 12- 14 plants under 1000w but I like to keep mine at around 10 for every 1000w, also my girls now are between 4 and 6 1/2 ft tall so yeah.


Well-Known Member
LEDs make your plants grow light fluffy buds. They are just not good enough yet to be able to create those nice dense nugs that we all love.

Stick with HPS.

I do remember someone did a comparison between HPS and LEDs, same conditions and same number of plants.

i'll try finding it and add the link if I do.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Actually from what I believe you can get 12- 14 plants under 1000w but I like to keep mine at around 10 for every 1000w, also my girls now are between 4 and 6 1/2 ft tall so yeah.
You got some pics of your girls?


Well-Known Member
I think the debate only strengthens the core of HID users. Everyone is trying to compare their lights to MH/HPS...kinda tells you something eh?