Well-Known Member
Aw man you'll never break two pounds. Not with legit GSC.... unless you know my secret! The light, mind you, I'm very impressed by. Great workmanship man, that thing will crush a thowie, and if it doesn't, I can tell you from experience, take the lenses off and either run them bare or with a reflector. You really don't have to worry much about intensity on a quantum meter spread, as long as you're flooding your space with photons and encapsulating them, which your tent will do quite nicely. Alllllright, now the cookie secret. You ready? About 4 weeks into flower, right before they start to bulk, cut WAY back on the CalMag or if you're using Jack's 3-2-1 like most of us disciples, skip or skimp on the epsom salt. For some reason, cookie strains' iconic thumbnail bud structure is determinate on a partial magnesium lockout late in flower. This really will put the bulk back into the nugs and you can expect more of the parental GDP structure. Basically turning GSC into a sherbet cut, with about a 20% accompanying yield hike over unmitigated calmag use. It's night and day man, and less work for a hard working sombitch like yourself, you handsome light building sombitch. Merry Christmas homie, you got this shit sleepwalkin.
And another thing most people don't consider in the cost calculus, the mini-split. I have 20 cxb3070s running at 1400mA with active cooling and my drivers located outside my tent and nothing but a 6 inch vortex half-cocked exhausting into the same room as the intake. In a 4*8, never broken 77 degrees and 50% humidity with my heat running full tilt all winter in a freakin tent. My panel is also dimmed in phases by a Storm Controller but only 10% on one string at a time (totally recommend picking one up here if you're using B series HLG drivers with the 10V control leg: And what is a cheap mini split? Like a cold $1000 uninstalled for a 3/4 ton unit that you'd absolutely need if not for the fact that my 60% efficient 1000 watts is doing the job of 2 30% efficient 1000w hoods with 50% less heat dissipation. I built my panel for $1300 and 2g/w has gone down twice now without a hitch or a CO2 burner, and will for the next 10 freakin years before these slump and I have to swap some chips. So one gavita: $475w/bulb x2 +$1000 for the minisplit, then power for the minisplit on top of another KW... well it doesn't take a genius. HPS is already dead, currently my company is converting Green City Growers Cooperative (indoor hydro lettuce, about $1M/year in revenue) to COBs. Commercial agro's waking up with the rest of us, but there will always be Luddites and naysayers. But hell man, let them eat cake, they'll flex a pretty wet Benz, we'll flex a far wetter Aston.
Thanks for that awesome tidbit about the GSC. All around A+ post.